συνεντευξη της Erin Buescher στην ομαδα της στο WNBA οπου μιλαει για την αναρωση του ποδιου της....
"Erin’s Healthy Hints
Many of you have seen me on the basketball court and know me as Erin Buescher, No. 12 for the WNBA Silver Stars. But, I want to share more than just my basketball identity with you. I am thrilled beyond words to have the opportunity to let you in on a little more of who I am, and what I am passionate about through my regular "Healthy Hints" column.
Now, I have to tell you, I probably wouldn't be a top candidate to write a piece on the fundamental ins and outs of the technical aspects of basketball philosophy or skill. I've always laced up my shoes, and just played pure and simple, letting loose in the freedom of the game. I do, however, love to philosophize and get to the root of things pertaining to life.
Why do people act the way they do? Where do these actions come from? What's going on in the inside? Getting to the core of why is extremely interesting to me.
One of the things high on my list of life priorities is healthy living, both internally and externally. Being fit is far more than merely a game of numbers – stepping on the scale, seeing how the jeans fit, or watching one by one calories allowed in any particular diet. It always starts on the inside. When there is a balanced connection between one's heart, mind, soul and body, health and fitness will be a positive side product.
Why don't diets work? Why are women (and men) constantly on the never ending search for that perfect miracle diet/workout that will change their bodies and lives instantaneously forever? The answer is because that magic potion does not exist. People aren't willing to take the time, effort, energy, and commitment to life-long changes in habits that will produce an overall healthy mentality. Nor is it common for someone to be willing to care enough to look inside at what may be laying around causing all the havoc! We want the easy way out. We want the quick fix, painless route that leads to freedom and looking great in your skinny jeans, or being ready for that wedding/vacation/big night out… and we want it fast.
I am intrigued by fitness, health, matters of the heart (both medically, and emotionally), the spirit, and questioning why. Why do we do the things we do? Why are certain things hard for some, but easy for others? I've never been a fan of scales. Don't waste your money buying them. Instead buy a surfboard, or mountain bike, or a tennis racket....pick a new thing, get outside and give it a whirl!
Right now, I am in the process of coming back from an Anterior Cruciate Ligament rupture and reconstructive surgery. I am learning about myself, and about my mind in ways that before this injury were completely foreign to me. Learning how to listen to my coach and not my own brain takes considerable effort. But in the process we are working on my shooting technique, footwork and some basic fundamentals of my game that aren't as solid as they could and should be. Many times during our workouts I feel as though I've taken steps backwards and am not getting better, but in fact worse! However, I'm learning that to really learn something the right way, there actually are a few steps backwards before the leap forward takes place.
It takes time, effort, patience, some failure, some more effort, a few steps backwards, a whole lot of frustration, anger, and maybe (most likely) some tears. If you persevere through the temptation to quit during the hard times, one day you will find yourself worlds ahead of where you were when you began your endeavor. It's the same with pursuing healthy living. Most likely, when done the right way, there is the sense that you are moving 'backward'. You feel as though you are going in the opposite direction. Instead of clarity, freedom and light as a bird living; one finds a whole world of hurt, pain and/or disappointment. Not quite the weight watching, calorie counting, quick fix message is it? It is thankfully SO much more, it's the key to finding life, peace, joy, surrender and acceptance of who you are... flaws and all!
Like I said in the beginning, I am excited about Healthy Hints this season, healthy living is something I am passionate about, and am tickled to be able to share with you, and hopefully you with me, what we learn together along the way!
Erin "

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