Στην αρχή ξέραμε το Beach Volley.Στη συνέχεια δημιουργήθηκε το Beach Soccer ενώ είδα και παιχνίδι Beach Handball.Ήτανε θέμα χρόνου να δημιουργηθεί και το Beach Basketball.
To Σαββατοκύριακο 10-11 Σεπτεμβρίου θα διοργανωθεί στη Χερσόνησο της Κρήτης το Beach Basketball Championship με συμμετοχή παικτών από όλο τον κόσμο.Διότι το τουρνούα αυτό αναγνωρίζεται από όλες τις ομοσπονδίες μπάσκετ.
The Rules
* two standard baskets that face each other in 12-15m distance (without collateral limitation).
* played in three categories: men, women and mixed. * a 3 on 3 game with a fourth and fifth team member being a substitute.
* no restrictions on the number of substitutions during the game.
* substitute players should wait under their own basket, and substitutions are made under the own basket.
* no referees needed, the players notify the fouls by themselves. * score and number of fouls are written down by one courtwatcher.
* first possession of the ball has the first mentioned team, second mentioned team gets the ball in the second half.
* each basket scored one point.
* time played is 2x5 min. non-stopped, after 5 min.: change of ends.
* playing without shoes: barefooted or with socks.
* not allowed to dribble, travelling-rule is used as normal.
* no out-of-bounds: who touches the ball first, has the right of ball possession.
* if the ball is lying on the floor, the person who touches the ball first, has the possibility to rise again unrestricted.
* in case of fighting, both teams shall be eliminated. An unsportsmanlike foul is penalized by a free throw and possession of the ball.
* if a foul is committed on a player in the act of shooting, there are no free throws, only ball possession for the disadvantaged team. After 5 team fouls one free throw will be awarded to the disadvantaged team.
* an intentional consumption of time while possession of the ball is contrary to the fair play principle (in that case, the ball shall be awarded to the opposing team).
* in case of tie in the regular game period, the game will be decided by free throws (one free throw by each of 5 players).
* The Teams should wear similar clothes or tricots, so that it is easier to identify "friend and foe"
Περισσότερα εδώ: http://www.beachbasketball.gr/
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