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Ο Big Ben επιστρέφει στην "γενέτειρά" του.
Όπως αναμενόταν-παράτησε τα παζάρια για το buyout και προτίμησε το veteran's minimum, μόνο και μόνο για να έχει την ευκαιρία να τον θυμάται ο κόσμος του Detroit για τα χρόνια που έπαιξε και μεγαλούργησε (αμυντικά έστω) και όχι για τον τρόπο που έφυγε!

Welcome back Big Ben...

(pic: a gift from Sheed)

p.s. Αυτό πρακτικά σημαίνει +1 ψηλός στο ρόστερ, κάτι που σημαίνει ότι το 5 θα μοιράζεται σε Kwame και Wallace (αμυντικοί ψηλοί) και στο 4 θα παίζουν εναλλάξ CV34 και Wilcox (επιθετικοί ψηλοί). Βάζω πλέον το Detroit πιο πάνω από το 7 seed...
Έχει και κάποιος άλλος αμφιβολίες για την αγωνιστική ετοιμότητα ή την ικανότητα του Μπεν να προσφέρει;
QUOTE(SG3ptshooter @ Aug 17 2009, 10:18 ) *
Έχει και κάποιος άλλος αμφιβολίες για την αγωνιστική ετοιμότητα ή την ικανότητα του Μπεν να προσφέρει;

Στην κατάσταση που βρισκόταν στο Cleveland μου θύμιζε περισσότερο τον Danny Fortson. Φυσικά σε σχέση με αυτό που παρουσίαζε τα τελευταία 2 χρόνια πιστεύω ότι μπορεί να προσφέρει +20% πάνω από αυτό που έδειχνε μόνο και μόνο από τις επεφημίες που θα δέχεται, αλλά για τα 10-15 λεπτά που υπολογίζω ότι θα παίζει!

Ο Ben έχει αγαπηθεί στο Detroit, γιατί εκεί αναδείχθηκε μπασκετικά. Ταίριαξε τέλεια στο ρόλο του "Libero". Έπαιζε 5 με ύψος 2.06 περίπου, αλλά με τις καίριες τοποθετήσεις (ελαφρά και γρήγορα πόδια) έβγαζε φοβερή αλληλοκάλυψη στα drive των αντιπάλων (τα περισσότερα block του έτσι έβγαιναν εξάλλου), ενώ όντας πολύ γυμνασμένος κατάφερνε να κρατάει μακριά τον αντίπαλο ψηλό και με super block-outs να καθαρίζει με το άλμα του ουσιαστικά τα αμυντικά rebounds. Φοβερή αμυντική αντίληψη...
ΟΚ. Κι εγώ για τέταρτα το βλέπω άνετα. Αλλά το πρόβλημα ψηλά σε συνδυασμό με τα όσα μας έχει προσφέρει ο Μπεν με τα μπλε - άσπρα - κόκκινα φοβάμαι μην μας οδηγήσει σε υπερβολές. Συγκεκριμένα αν η ομάδα πηγαίνει μέτρια να δοκιμάσουν ξάφνου να στηριχτούν πάνω του. Για 20 λεπτά με βάση το πόσο έπαιξε πέρσι και το σε τι κατάσταση έδειχνε δεν μπορεί.. Και μακάρι να βγω ψεύτης φυσικά...
QUOTE(SG3ptshooter @ Aug 17 2009, 18:18 ) *
Συγκεκριμένα αν η ομάδα πηγαίνει μέτρια να δοκιμάσουν ξάφνου να στηριχτούν πάνω του.

Ποτέ δε στηρίχθηκε κάποια ομάδα πάνω του. Ο Kwame θα ξεκινάει στο 5 και ανάλογα με τα σχήματα θα παίζουν ο Wilcox μετά (όπως και στο 4) και ο Ben θα έρχεται από τον πάγκο. Ο Wallace θα φέρει εμπειρία, και κίνητρο στους νέους παίκτες να δουλέψουν σκηρά (φανατικός gym freak και hardworker).
Παραθέτω τη συνέντευξη του GM Joe Dumars στον συντάκτη του Keith Langlois που απαντά στα κυριότερα θέματα της post-season 2009. Επειδή η συνέντευξη είναι λίγο μεγάλη και θα μου ήταν αρκετά χρονοβόρο για να τη μεταφράσω και να την προσαρμόσω, την ανεβάζω στα αγγλικά με τα δικά μου τονισμένα σημεία και το αντίστοιχο θέμα.

Το πιο εντυπωσιακό σημείο για μένα η στιχομυθία ανάμεσα σε Dumars και Wallace ( 7.).

1. (Επιλογή Boozer/ Villanueva)
KL: Besides Gordon, the other name associated with you guys over the course of last season as people were speculating about which players the Pistons would pursue in free agency was Carlos Boozer, who decided not to opt out of his contract. So I’m wondering with Charlie Villanueva, was he a guy you focused on later in the game and what about Charlie convinced you that he was the guy, after Ben, that you were going after?

JD: If you don’t have the strong, low-post, traditional four man that can score, if you don’t have one of those top guys, you certainly better have one of those guys we call a stretch four – that can stretch the defense, that’s versatile, that’s inside-out. You have to get one or the other. If you’re not going to get a traditional four guy, then today’s game requires you to have more versatile four men. Charlie is the prototypical guy that can play inside, play outside, average 7½ rebounds, can shoot the 3, can put it on the floor. That’s why a guy like him becomes really appealing to you.

2. (Villanueva)
KL: He’s always been a really naturally gifted scorer. He, too, like Ben has been talked about as a guy who’s not a great defender. But he just turned 25. Do you see Charlie still with room to grow?

JD: Yes, I do and the examples I will use are a couple of guys who grew even after their first three or four years in the league. You saw Rashard Lewis get better and you saw Turkoglu get better. They became older, became more mature on the court, became better players. This notion that if a guy hasn’t shown great improvement in the first two or three years, then he’s not going to be … that’s not the case. Charlie can definitely get better and we’re going to ask him to do more. We’re going to ask him to be more than just a scorer. We love the fact he snagged 7½ rebounds a game. We’re going to ask him to continue to rebound like that. Obviously, we’re going to ask him to do a better job defensively. But I also think one of the things he can do, and it probably goes a little unnoticed – and we’ve studied a lot of him on film – is he puts the ball on the floor pretty good, too. He pump fakes and does a great job of driving that ball to the basket for a 6-10, 6-11 guy. So we’re going to ask him to do all of those things. Just as you saw Lewis and Turkoglu get better, as 6-10 guys, they got better as they got older – became more mature, more settled, stronger. Those guys settled in and became real versatile and that’s what we see Charlie as. A guy 25 years old, you can get better.

3. (Αμυντική/επιθετική φιλοσοφία)
KL: One question I have gotten consistently from Mailbag readers this summer has been, “Is Joe Dumars taking the Pistons from their defensive history?” My response has been, look, he wants to win in however you get to winning, and in this day and age you need to be able to score. That said, how do you see this team coming together defensively with the pieces you’ve added?

JD: I don’t think you can ever lose the mentality that for us to win, you have to stop people. You have to play good defense. You can’t be a poor defensive team and expect to win. So the fact that we’ve acquired more guys who can score the basketball doesn’t change the mind-set that you have to stop people. All we’re doing is saying we recognize that we have to score more. To recognize that doesn’t mean that you’re abandoning the mind-set that we have to stop people. You don’t have to choose, either-or. Lest people forget, Chauncey and Rip didn’t come here as these great defenders. They came here as offensive players. Chauncey was talented offensively, Rip was a scorer. They won a championship because they made a commitment to try to defend people. Just because you address the need to score more, doesn’t change your mind-set to have to stop people. It won’t change our mind-set. Kuester and I have talked about that. We are committed to that and we’re going to be committed to that with these players, that you’ve got to stop somebody. I don’t care how talented you are offensively, you’ve still got to give a big-time effort defensively if you’re going to win in this league.

4. (Φιλοσοφία Kuster)
KL: You just alluded to it, but another part that plays into that question is John’s background. It’s been widely reported that he was given great responsibility for running the offense in Cleveland, so people have made the assumption that he’s an offensive specialist. My response to that is this is a guy who grew up at Dean Smith’s knee and coached under Larry Brown, so he’s got a pretty good defensive grounding, too.

JD: It’s interesting because when Rick Carlisle came here, he came under the exact same umbrella, as Larry Bird’s offensive guru, if you remember, and Dick Harter was the defensive guru. So Rick came as this offensive guru and the first thing Rick did was hire a guy like Kevin O’Neill, who from day one, we preached defense. His first hire was, I want a guy who preaches defense, and Rick did a great job of preaching defense. The fact that John basically ran Cleveland’s offense is a little misleading to say he’s just an offensive guru. This guy, as he was here with us, touched on everything as a coach. I was always fully aware of that. I never bought into John as just an offensive guru. I knew better. I understand where people can think that, but I know that this guy is not just an offensive guru. I understood that this guy is a well-rounded coach who, as you just said, cut his teeth on you better stop somebody if you’re going to win.

5. (Επιλογή Wilcox)
KL: I found it interesting that the three free agents you signed, aside from Ben, were a No. 3 overall pick, a No. 7 overall pick and a No. 8 overall pick. Chris Wilcox is kind of flying under the radar a little bit. You look at his background, he has never started an NBA season with a team that had a prayer of getting to the playoffs. He’s been in hopeless situations with the Clippers and then with Seattle when they were stripping down. Do you see in him a guy who in the first winning environment he’s ever been in could flourish?

JD: What you hope for in a situation like that is a new environment, a new culture, new expectations will bring out the best in a player. That’s what you strive to set up. And you drop the player in that and explain all that to him – here is the environment, here is the culture, here are the expectations. And invariably, the player is like, “This is what I’ve been waiting for. This is what I want.” And so you drop him in there and say, OK, we’ve laid the groundwork for you. Prove to me that you really want to win in this league. That’s what we’ve done for eight, nine years now. We’ve said to guys, here’s the environment, here’s the culture. Let me see you thrive now. There are no more excuses to not reach potential. Same thing I said to Chauncey, same thing I said to Rip, same thing I said to Ben Wallace, same thing I said to all these guys who came through here in the past. We have the foundation, we have the setup, we have the environment. Prove to me that you want to be a winner. We’ve done the exact same thing with Chris Wilcox and said, you know what, I don’t care what’s happened in the past. You can talk about it, I don’t care. What I do care about is we have the foundation for you to reach your potential. Now it’s on you to do it.

6. (Δυνατότητα προσφοράς/ ικανότητες Wilcox)
KL: At his best, what do you have in him?

JD: I think we have a big guy that can really finish around the basket, athletic, a guy who can block shots, has shown he can have big offensive games. To have a 6-10 talent around the basket like that, can play above the rim, make plays offensively and defensively around the basket, is something we really needed. Our bigs in the past – man, the job that Rasheed and Dice did, I don’t know if people even realize how good those guys have been for us over the years. I also knew we had to get younger and more athletic around the rim, too, and get young guys, at least a young guy, that can play above that rim with the other young guys we’re facing night in and night out. That’s what he brings us.

7. (Επιστροφή Ben Wallace)
KL: Let’s talk about the decision to bring Ben back. What did you two talk about when the idea of bringing him back to the Pistons was broached? What are your expectations for him and what are his expectations for himself?

JD: The only thing I said to Ben about him coming back is you understand that you’re not coming back in the same role that you were before. He said, I’m not worried about that, but I am going to show up and give it everything I’ve got. And I said we will let that determine what happens. But what we didn’t want to do is predetermine. We left it open to him. The only thing I said was you’re not coming back as the Ben Wallace that was here before. If you understand that, then we’re fine. Because your play will dictate what we need and what we get from you. The other thing I said to him was this. "Ben, understand something, you have some things you can bring to us that we really need right now. You have toughness, you still feel like you’ve got to be able to stop people, you still hang your hat on trying to defend, you’re still going to try to rebound, you have an incredible work ethic, and your approach, your presence, your all-business presence to the game". With the young guys we have right now, it’s imperative that I have someone like that walk through the doors every day with the young guys. He said, “You know I’m going to bring that every day. I said "I know you are. What I need is for you to spread that to every one of these young guys every day. That work ethic, that toughness, that mental approach that you have to stop people and defend. I said I know you’ve got it, but that’s not enough. I need you to spread that every day to the young guys" and he said, “I understand what you mean.” That was the conversation we had.

8. (Δυνατότητα προσφοράς/ ικανότητες Wallace)
KL: You probably didn’t need any reinforcement, but because John Kuester was with him in Cleveland last year, did you go to John and ask what he thought?

JD: We talked about it. We absolutely talked about it and he said, used the right way, man, he can help us big-time. But I have to use him the right way. We know that Ben is not a 35- to 40-minute a night player any more. But used in the right circumstances he can be a big help to us. I would say one other thing. Because it’s Ben, people may not understand or realize that we’ve always done this. What I’m saying is, Cliff Robinson, Elden Campbell, Dale Davis, Theo Ratliff, Chris Webber … we’ve always gone out and signed a veteran big as the fifth or sixth big. It just so happens to be that it’s Ben Wallace. And he has such an incredible history here that he’s not your typical guy to go out and get. But ever since I’ve been here I’ve always believed in having a veteran big guy on your roster, and in a pinch, if something happened and one of your starters goes down, every one of those guys I’ve named has stepped in and started for us. Veteran big, short term – Dale Davis, Chris Webber, Theo, Elden Campbell – all those guys have stepped in and started for us in short periods of time when we’ve needed it. He is that veteran big guy we’ve always had. It just so happens that it’s Ben Wallace.

Ποσο θελω να ξαναδω να κανει μια απο τις θεικες ταπες ο Μπεν με τα αλματα στο θεο και να ακουγετε το ρολοι απο πανω..............................Μακαρι να ;αποδειξει οτι δεν εχει σχολασει ακομα!!
QUOTE (PasGiannna @ Aug 30 2009, 14:52 ) *
Ποσο θελω να ξαναδω να κανει μια απο τις θεικες ταπες ο Μπεν με τα αλματα στο θεο και να ακουγετε το ρολοι απο πανω..............................Μακαρι να ;αποδειξει οτι δεν εχει σχολασει ακομα!!

Πότε πήδαγε στον Θεό ο Big Ben????
Δεν πηδαγε ψηλα ο Μπιγκ Μπεν...εχω την εντυπωση παντα ηταν πολυ αθλητικος.....
Οι Πίστονς θα δοκιμάσουν στο training camp τους Άτκινς και Μπαστόν, και αν κάποιος απ΄τους δύο πείσει μπορεί να γίνει ο 15ος στο ρόστερ της ομάδας.
QUOTE(122001 @ Sep 29 2009, 16:48 ) *
Οι Πίστονς θα δοκιμάσουν στο training camp τους Άτκινς και Μπαστόν, και αν κάποιος απ΄τους δύο πείσει μπορεί να γίνει ο 15ος στο ρόστερ της ομάδας.

Υπέγραψαν και οι 2 χθές (Δευτέρα) με non-guaranteed συμβόλαια. Για πρώτη φορά τα τελευταία χρόνια οι Pistons θα έχουν τόσο μεγάλο roster στο camp (16 παίκτες). Ο Dumars πάντα άφηνε μία θέση κενή, φέτος για 1η φορά δίνει τόσες λύσεις (λέγε με στήριγμα) στον προπονητή του.
Παντως εγω θεωρω πως μπορει μεν να εφεραν ''καλα'' ονοματα και μερικους πολυ ποιοτικους παικτες,αλλα τα κυριοτερα προβληματα που ειχαν παραμενουν,περαν ισως αυτου της ανανεωσης.Βλεπω παλι βασικο πλει τον Στακει ο οποιος οπως εδειξε και περυσι δεν ειναι στο επιπεδο που περιμενουν οι φιλοι των πιστονς..Αντι να παρουν ενα καλο πλει πηραν ενα δευτερο δυαρι ουσιαστικα για αλαγη του Ριπ,γιατι και τους 2 μαζι δεν νομιζω πως θα τους βλεπουμε παρα πολυ.Ακομα πηραν τον Βιλανουεβα που εχει παρομοιο style με τον Πρινς.Δηλαδη θεωρω πως δεν καλυψαν με τον καλυτερο τροπο τις αδυναμιες τους.
Οσο για τους Γουιλκοξ και Γουαλας θεωρω πως θα προσφερουν αρκετα.
QUOTE (Basketikoc @ Oct 5 2009, 11:42 ) *
Παντως εγω θεωρω πως μπορει μεν να εφεραν ''καλα'' ονοματα και μερικους πολυ ποιοτικους παικτες,αλλα τα κυριοτερα προβληματα που ειχαν παραμενουν,περαν ισως αυτου της ανανεωσης.Βλεπω παλι βασικο πλει τον Στακει ο οποιος οπως εδειξε και περυσι δεν ειναι στο επιπεδο που περιμενουν οι φιλοι των πιστονς..Αντι να παρουν ενα καλο πλει πηραν ενα δευτερο δυαρι ουσιαστικα για αλαγη του Ριπ,γιατι και τους 2 μαζι δεν νομιζω πως θα τους βλεπουμε παρα πολυ.Ακομα πηραν τον Βιλανουεβα που εχει παρομοιο style με τον Πρινς.Δηλαδη θεωρω πως δεν καλυψαν με τον καλυτερο τροπο τις αδυναμιες τους.
Οσο για τους Γουιλκοξ και Γουαλας θεωρω πως θα προσφερουν αρκετα.

Μια χαρά παίχτης είναι ο Stuckey. Δεν είναι Billups αλλά πέρσι ,αν έδειξε κάτι, σίγουρα δεν είναι ότι βρίσκεται σε χαμηλό επίπεδο.Μάλλον το αντίθετο.
Δεν με εντιπωσιασε προσωπικα και μερικοι αναλυτες σε παιχνιδια δεν ελεγαν και παρα πολυ θετικα σχολια.Δεν αμφιβαλω πως μπορει να βελτιωθει αλλα δειχνει να ειναι αρκετα ''ξυλινος'' στις κινησεις του και σε καμια περιπτωση οπως ειπες και εσι δεν ειναι Μπιλαπς.Θεωρω πως τα λεφτα για τον Γκορντον επρεπε να πανε στην αποκτηση ασου..
Δεν το περίμενα ότι μπορούσε να κλωνοποιηθεί ο Prince....

κι όμως οι Pistons (Dumars) τον εντόπισαν στο draft (βλ. Austin Daye)

Στο Νο2 ( ) μια φάση που θυμίζει έντονα "Reggie Miller blocked by Prince", στο 1ο pre-season παιχίδι για τους Pistons φέτος.
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