Mέχρι την Πέμπτη η διορία οπότε πάμε για ένα τετραήμερο ανταλλαγών. Εκτός αν όλα γίνουν στο deadline όπως πέρσι.
According to Frank Isola of the New York Daily News, the Clippers are still shopping Blake Griffin.
There have been multiple denials that Los Angeles is looking to move Blake—including from Doc Rivers—but that hasn't stopped the trade speculation from swirling around the injured star. Per Isola, the Nuggets, Celtics and Hawks "cannot be ruled out," but it's very difficult if not impossible to envision a deal getting constructed. We're not getting too excited.
Με όλο το καλοκαιρινό story του Deandre θα περιμέναμε την ομάδα συσπειρωμένη . Δεν πιστεύω έντονα σε αυτήν τη φημολογία καθώς ο Blake είναι βασικό κομμάτι των Clippers. Αν φύγει αυτός, θα ξεκινήσει ένα ξήλωμα αρχής γενομένης από τον Rivers και ευελπιστούμε το ότι ο Paul θα ξενερώσει και θα ζητήσει trade μόνος του.
The Nets are entertaining deals for Brook Lopez and/or Thaddeus Young, NBA executives told the New York Daily News.
Brooklyn should be listening to any and every scenario another team calls with, but the Nets—still without a GM, by the way—don't appear willing to sell their veterans off at a discount. Although Lopez and Young could both possibly be had, it sounds like the asking price may prevent a deal from coming together. Stay tuned.
To πακετάκι Lopez-Young είναι άκρως ενδιαφέρον και σε καλή τιμή για όποια ομάδα έχει θέμα στους ψηλούς. Ξεχωριστά οι 2 τους μπορούν στις ομάδες που θα πάνε να αποτελέσουν μια σημαντική αναβάθμιση εν όψη playoff. O young θα ήταν ένα καλό συμπλήρωμα για Θαντέρα ή Μέμφις ενώ ο Λόπεζ θα μπορούσε να γίνει βασικός σε όλη την Δύση από τη θέση 3 έως 15 (εξαιρείται το 14* λόγω ουκρανικής κατάληψης

The Nuggets are making Kenneth Faried available in a trade, according to Frank Isola of the New York Daily News.
Isola notes Denver wants to move at least one big man and that both Faried and J.J. Hickson are available, but we'd consider it much more likely that Hickson is the one that moves. The asking price for Faried will be (understandably) high, while Hickson has fallen out of the rotation entirely with Nikola Jokic, Joffrey Lauvergne and Jusuf Nurkic all playing roles in a suddenly crowded frontcourt.
Eρώτηση. O faried είναι ξενερωμένος φέτος και θέλει να αλλάξει περιβάλλον για να αποδώσει ή απλά ρισκάρεις πολλά με το να δώσεις τα ανταλλάγματα που ζητάνε οι nuggets;
With Thursday's trade deadline looming, the Timberwolves have made Ricky Rubio "readily available" in a deal, according to Frank Isola of the New York Daily News.
There have been conflicting reports on Rubio's availability, but it's clear that other teams are at least gauging the Wolves' interest in a potential deal. While the Knicks don't match up as a possible suitor, Rubio's name will continue to pop up for other PG-needy teams.
Το πείραμα Rubio δεν βοήθησε τους Wolves . H τιμή του έπεσε και δεν ξέρω ποια ομάδα μπορεί να τον εμπιστευτεί για playoff. Rockets ή Dallas έχουν θέμα στον άσο.
According to Barry Jackson of the Miami Herald, Hassan Whiteside's future in Miami "looks increasingly questionable."
Per Jackson, "there have been serious reservations" within the organization about Whiteside's impending payday. While the Heat are gauging the trade market, a deal appears extremely unlikely to occur. Even with some maturity concerns, there will be a number of teams waiting to pay Whiteside huge money if Miami decides to move on after the season.
Επιμένω ότι οι πυλώνες του καινούριου Miami πρέπει να είναι οι Βοsh-Dragic-Hassan. Που σημαίνει έξοδος των βαριών συμβολαίων απο την ομάδα είτε με trade ( deng ) είτε με αναπροσαρμογή ( wade). δεν είμαι και 100% σίγουρος αν βγαίνουν τα νούμερα αλλά η προοπτική του hassan αξίζει.
The Heat have interest in Ryan Anderson, according to the Miami Herald.
It's unclear what—if anything—the Heat could offer New Orleans in exchange for Anderson, but he would represent a nice upgrade for a Miami bench in need of one. Josh McRoberts has not been the stretch-four that Miami signed him to be, and Anderson would give the Heat additional versatility to play small-ball lineups. In the unlikely event the Ryno arrives at the Miami Zoo, Hassan Whiteside's minutes would take a hit. Anderson, an impending unrestricted free agent, could also be on Miami's offseason radar, as well.
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