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a bullet for your head
Παραβιαστηκε η ασφαλεια του μεγαλυτερου κ ακριβοτερου πειραματος κοστους 10δις δολλαρια,απο χακερς...τρεχουν κ δεν φτανουν να δουν απο που τους ηρθε..

" "There seems to be no harm done. From what they can tell, it was someone making the point that CMS was hackable," said James Gillies, spokesman for Cern. "It was quickly detected."

"We have several levels of network, a general access network and a much tighter network for sensitive things that operate the LHC," said Gillies.

"We are a very visible site," he said, adding that of the 1.4 million emails sent to Cern yesterday, 98 per cent was spam.

The hacking attempt started around the time that the giant machine was about to circulate its first particles, under the spotlight of the world's media.

On Wednesday afternoon, as the world held its breath as the machine sparked up, CMS team members were scouring computers at the machine for half a dozen files uploaded by the hackers on September 9 and 10.

"We think that someone from Fermilab's Tevatron (the competing atom smasher in America) had their access details compromised," said one of the scientists working on the machine. "What happened wasn't a big deal, just goes to show people are out there always on the prowl."

The CMS team studied the files inserted by the hackers carefully before deleting, in case a "backdoor" had been installed, a means of access to the computer that bypasses security.

The system the hackers managed to access was CMSMON, which monitors the CMS software system as the vast detector takes data, during collisions between particles to study the energies and physics in the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang, which created the universe.

Cern relies on a 'defence-in-depth' strategy, separating control networks and using firewalls and complex passwords, to protect its control systems from malicious software, such as denial-of-service attacks, botnets and zombie machines, which can strike with a synchronised attack from hundreds of machines around the world.

However, there have been growing concerns about security as remote or wireless access, notebooks and USB sticks offer new possibilities for a virus or worms to enter the network, not to mention hackers and terrorists who might be interested in targeting computers to shutdown the system.

More than 110 different control systems are used at Cern. These systems monitor, supervise and safeguard Cern's accelerators, experiments and infrastructure - from buildings, electricity and heating to access control, radiation protection and safety.

To refine security methods Cern set up a working group called Computing and Network Infrastructure for Controls. One document written by the group said: "Recent events show that computer security issues are becoming a serious problem also at Cern."

However, the team said yesterday that it did not want to comment on security at the international facility."

Μπηκαν απ' οτι φαινεται σε μια τυπικη σελιδα προσβασιμη σε ολους και τα μιντια, κλασικα, το μεγαλοποιησαν.

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Ο Μεγάλος Επιταχυντής Αδρονίων του CERN θα εγκαινιαστεί επίσημα στις 21 Οκτωβρίου παρά τα τεχνικά προβλήματα που τον έθεσαν εκτός λειτουργίας μέχρι την άνοιξη.

Στη μεγάλη τελετή για το μεγαλύτερο επιστημονικό όργανο του κόσμου θα παρευρεθούν πολιτικοί ηγέτες των χωρών-μελών του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Πυρηνικής Έρευνας και εκπρόσωποι των κρατών με καθεστώς παρατηρητή.

Η εκδήλωση θα περιλαμβάνει ομιλίες, εκθέσεις και την οπτικοακουστική παράσταση Origins, με εικόνες του National Geographic και μουσική του Φίλιπ Γκλας.

τωρα εγκαινια;
a bullet for your head
Θα επαναλειτουργησει? ο επιταχυντης του CERN τον Νοεμβριο..;dt=07/08/2009
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