a bullet for your head
Nov 15 2009, 16:37
Αυτο το τοπικ το σκεφτομουν καιρο τωρα..για να το ανοιξω..
Κατα καιρους,εχουν ειπωθει και γραφτει παρα πολλα πραγματα...ειτε με βαρυνουσα σημασια,ειτε βαθυστοχαστα,ειτε ενταγμενα σε μια Trash-Talking λογικη,ειτε αθυροστομα διατυπωμενα,ειτε γεματα επαρση & αλαζονεια,ειτε με παρα πολυ χιουμορ...
Ειτε κατα τη διαρκεια επισημης συνεντευξης η' πρες-κονφερενς,ειτε με τον ''κοριο'' να παραμονευει...
Θα κανω την αρχη λοιπον,με τον ενα & μοναδικο...τον ανεπαναληπτο,τον εκπληκτικο ατακαδορο,τον πλεον αθυροστομο που εχει υπαρξει ποτε...Μπομπι Ναιτ...
Emanuel David Ginobili
Nov 15 2009, 16:53
Eγω εδω και καιρο ηθελα να στειλως pms σε 'σενα και στον A&K, για να ανοιχτει poll με τα καλυτερα quotes. Αλλα τελικα το δικο σου τοπικ φαινεται σωστοτερο, thanks Bullet!!!
Eγω ψηφιζω αυτο, που μου εκανε μεγαλη εντυπωση οταν το διαβασα:
Dick Mota:"You don't stop George Gervin. You just hope that his arm gets tired after 40 shots. I believe the guy can score when he wants to. I wonder if he gets bored out there."
a bullet for your head
Nov 15 2009, 17:10
QUOTE(Emanuel David Ginobili @ Nov 15 2009, 16:53 )

Eγω εδω και καιρο ηθελα να στειλως pms σε 'σενα και στον A&K, για να ανοιχτει poll με τα καλυτερα quotes. Αλλα τελικα το δικο σου τοπικ φαινεται σωστοτερο, thanks Bullet!!!
Eγω ψηφιζω αυτο, που μου εκανε μεγαλη εντυπωση οταν το διαβασα:
Dick Mota:"You don't stop George Gervin. You just hope that his arm gets tired after 40 shots. I believe the guy can score when he wants to. I wonder if he gets bored out there."
Ευχαριστω φιλε...νομιζω οτι ενα τετοιο Thread ελλειπε ως τωρα...
Για μενα, η καλυτερη ισως ατακα που εχει ειπωθει ποτε,ειναι η Νο1 του πρωτου video που παρεθεσα...η πιο ''ανατρεπτικη''..& μαλιστα απευθυνομενος ο Τρελο-Μπομπι δημοσια μπροστα σε πληθος...
''Οταν θα ερθει η ωρα μου για να παω στον αλλο κοσμο & οταν οι δραστηριοτητες μου ληξουν,θα ηθελα να με θαψουν αναποδα....για να μπορουν οι εχθροι μου,να ερχονται και να μου φιλανε τον κ.....μου...''........
Βεβαια σ'αυτο το τοπικ,υπαρχει πολυ ''ψωμι'' ακομα...
Nov 15 2009, 17:13
Πραγματι ενδιαφερον τοπικ...
Μερικες απ΄τις πιο ενδιαφερουσες δηλωσεις που βρηκα κανοντας μια προχειρη ερευνα...
"They say Elvis is dead. I say, no, you're looking at him. Elvis isn't dead; he just changed color.” -- Dennis Rodman
"Your mind is what makes everything else work.” -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"You know it's going to hell when the best rapper out there is white and the best golfer is black.” -- Charles Barkley
"You can't win unless you learn how to lose.” -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"Wilt Chamberlain lied when he said he had 20,000 women.” -- Dennis Rodman
"Wherever there's money, there's drugs, so to say drugs don't exist in the NBA would be stupid.” -- Dennis Rodman
"When you flop, that's just another message that you don't know how to play me. Stand up and take your medicine like a man.” -- Shaquille O'Neal
"We don't have selfish guys here, which sometimes leads to problems.” -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it is.” -- Dennis Rodman
"The NBA believes if you play for a team and get paid by a team, you're the property of that team for 24 hours a day.” -- Dennis Rodman
"Me shooting 40% at the foul line is just God's way to say nobody's perfect.” -- Shaquille O'Neal
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” -- Michael Jordan
Nov 15 2009, 21:58
Για να σας την σπάσω λίγο....
You're talkin' about practice man!PRACTICE!
Nov 15 2009, 22:21
QUOTE(john morisson @ Nov 15 2009, 17:13 )

"Me shooting 40% at the foul line is just God's way to say nobody's perfect.” -- Shaquille O'Neal
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” -- Michael Jordan
χαχχα κουφαιο ωραιο τοπικ!
Air and King
Nov 15 2009, 22:36
Εξαιρετικο Τοπικ Bullet!
Kαποια quotes απο τον προπονητη Θρυλο του UCLA Τζον Γουντεν!
Success is peace of mind that is the direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."
"I always tried to make clear that basketball is not the ultimate. It is of small importance in comparison to the total life we live. There is only one kind of life that truly wins, and that is the one that places faith in the hands of the Savior. Until that is done, we are on an aimless course that runs in circles and goes nowhere."
"A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment."
"Ability is a poor man's wealth."
"Adversity is the state in which man mostly easily becomes acquainted with himself, being especially free of admirers then."
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
"Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights."
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
"Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability."
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts."
"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."
"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you."
Επισης εδω καποια αλλα quotes απο εναν απο τους κορυφαιους προπονητες ολων των εποχων στο ΝΒΑ τον Πατ Ραιλι!
"There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There's no such thing as life in-between."
"There's always the motivation of wanting to win. Everybody has that. But a champion needs, in his attitude, a motivation above and beyond winning."
"There's no such thing as coulda, shoulda, or woulda. If you shoulda and coulda, you woulda done it."
"To have long term success as a coach or in any position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in some way."
"When you're playing against a stacked deck, compete even harder. Show the world how much you'll fight for the winner's circle. If you do, someday the cellophane will crackle off a fresh pack, one that belongs to you, and the cards will be stacked in your favor."
"You have no choices about how you lose, but you do have a choice about how you come back and prepare to win again."
"A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning."
"A particular shot or way of moving the ball can be a player's personal signature, but efficiency of performance is what wins the game for the team."
"Being a part of success is more important than being personally indispensable."
"Being ready isn't enough; you have to be prepared for a promotion or any other significant change."
"Discipline is not a nasty word."
"Don't let other people tell you what you want."
"Each Warrior wants to leave the mark of his will, his signature, on important acts he touches. This is not the voice of ego but of the human spirit, rising up and declaring that it has something to contribute to the solution of the hardest problems, no matter how vexing!"
"Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better."
"Giving yourself permission to lose guarantees a loss."
"Great effort springs naturally from a great attitude."
"If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges."
"Look for your choices, pick the best one, then go with it."
"Management must speak with one voice. When it doesn't management itself becomes a peripheral opponent to the team's mission."
"People who create 20% of the results will begin believing they deserve 80% of the rewards."
Aπο τον μεγαλο Λαρρυ Μπερντ.....
"When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro."
"A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals."
"Push yourself again and again. Don't give an inch until the final buzzer sounds."
"I always know what's happening on the court. I see a situation occur, and I respond."
"I've got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end."
"I really don't like talking about money. All I can say is that the Good Lord must have wanted me to have it."
"I don't know if I practiced more than anybody, but I sure practiced enough. I still wonder if somebody - somewhere - was practicing more than me."
"First master the fundamentals."
"It doesn't matter who scores the points, it's who can get the ball to the scorer."
"Leadership is getting players to believe in you. If you tell a teammate you're ready to play as tough as you're able to, you'd better go out there and do it. Players will see right through a phony. And they can tell when you're not giving it all you've got. Leadership is diving for a loose ball, getting the crowd involved, getting other players involved. It's being able to take it as well as dish it out. That's the only way you're going to get respect from the players."
"Once you are labeled 'the best' you want to stay up there, and you can't do it by loafing around. If I don't keep changing. I'm history."
"When it gets down to it, basketball is basketball."
Nov 15 2009, 22:41
Air τι επικό post ήταν αυτό!!! Θα έχω να διαβάζω όταν υπάρχει φορουμο-ύφεση...

Για τις δύσκολες ώρες του χειμώνα!
Air and King
Nov 15 2009, 22:48
Παμε στον μεγαλο Ματζικ Τζονσον.......και quotes απο αυτον....
"I never think that there's something I can't do, whether it's beating my opponent one on one or practicing another hour because something about my game is just not right."
"You don't have to be Magic to be special. You're already special, you're you."
"Everybody on a championship team doesn't get publicity, but everyone can say he's a champion."
"You're the only one who can make the difference. Whatever your dream is, go for it."
"When you face a crisis, you know who your true friends are."
"Magic is who I am on the basketball court. Earvin is who I am."
"They said playing basketball would kill me. Well, not playing basketball was killing me."
"Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates."
"If you're a competitive person, that stays with you. You don't stop. You always look over your shoulder."
"Young people want you to be real with them."
Εδω καποια αλλα απο διαφορους σουπερσταρ παλιους και νεους αλλα και προπονητες....
"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best." -- Tim Duncan
"One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team." -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"Everybody pulls for David, nobody roots for Goliath." -- Wilt Chamberlain
"Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals." -- James Naismith
"When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro." -- Larry Bird
"Basketball is like photography, if you don't focus, all you have is the negative." -- Dan Frisby
"They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they'd make up their minds." -- Wilt Chamberlain
"There are really only two plays: Romeo and Juliet, and put the darn ball in the basket." -- Abe Lemons
"Any American boy can be a basketball star if he grows up, up, up." -- Bill Vaughn
"If you meet the Buddha in the lane, feed him the ball." -- Phil Jackson
"We have a great bunch of outside shooters. Unfortunately, all our games are played indoors." -- Weldon Drew
"Left hand, right hand, it doesn't matter. I'm amphibious." -- Charles Shackleford
"Sometimes a player's greatest challenge is coming to grips with his role on the team." -- Scottie Pippen
"Even when I'm old and gray, I won't be able to play it, but I'll still love the game." --Michael Jordan
"Fans never fall asleep at our games, because they're afraid they might get hit by a pass." --George Raveling
"Winning is like deodorant - it comes up and a lot of things don't stink." --Doc Rivers
"The secret is to have eight great players and four others who will cheer like crazy." --Jerry Tarkanian
"The first time I shot the hook, I was in fourth grade, and I was about five feet eight inches tall. I put the ball up and felt totally at ease with the shot. I was completely confident it would go in. I've been shooting it ever since." --Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"I try to do the right thing at the right time. They may just be little things, but usually they make the difference between winning and losing." --Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team." --Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"I don't believe professional athletes should be role models. I believe parents should be role models..." --Charles Barkley
"Basketball is like war in that offensive weapons are developed first, and it always takes a while for the defense to catch up."--Red Auerbach
"First master the fundamentals."--Larry Bird
"We're shooting 100 percent - 60 percent from the field and 40 percent from the free-throw line."--Norm Stewart
"If all I'm remembered for is being a good basketball player, then I've done a bad job with the rest of my life." --Isiah Thomas
"I know the Virginia players are smart because you need a 1500 SAT to get in. I have to drop bread crumbs to get our players to and from class." --George Raveling
"You can run a lot of plays when your X is twice as big as the other guys' O. It makes your X's and O's pretty good."--Paul Westphal
"I can teach you how to dribble, pass and shoot the right way, but I cannot make you do it the right way."--Jeff Tufford
"The idea is not to block every shot. The idea is to make your opponent believe that you might block every shot."--Bill
"If you make every game a life and death proposition, you're going to have problems. For one thing, you'll be dead a lot." --Dean Smith
Air and King
Nov 15 2009, 23:10
Συνεχεια με τον "Air" Μαικλ Τζορνταν.......
"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."
"To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don't isolate."
"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying."
"I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot... when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result."
"I play to win, whether during practice or a real game. And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win."
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."
"Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game."
"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships."
"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
"My heroes are and were my parents. I can't see having anyone else as my heroes."
"My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength."
"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
"If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome."
"I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don't do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results."
"Even when I'm old and gray, I won't be able to play it, but I'll still love the game."
"I never thought a role model should be negative."
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
"There are plenty of teams in every sport that have great players and never win titles. Most of the time, those players aren't willing to sacrifice for the greater good of the team. The funny thing is, in the end, their unwillingness to sacrifice only makes individual goals more difficult to achieve. One thing I believe to the fullest is that if you think and achieve as a team, the individual accolades will take care of themselves. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
"There is no "i" in team but there is in win."
"I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it is an illusion to me . . . Failure always made me try harder next time."
"I've never been afraid to fail."
"Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation."
"People ask me if I could fly, I said, "yeah.... for a little while."
Ο "Big Dipper" Γουιλτ Τσαμπερλαιν και quotes απο αυτον.......
"And I remember leaving my place in L.A. and - my father is a big fight fan - and I said, 'Dad, I got a couple of days off and I'm getting ready to go to Houston to sign to fight Muhammad Ali."
"But the point of using the number was to show that sex was a great part of my life as basketball was a great part of my life. That's the reason why I was single."
"Everybody pulls for David, nobody roots for Goliath."
"I believe that good things come to those who work."
"I couldn't have come close without my teammates' help because the Knicks didn't want me to make 100."
"I get constant reminders from fans who equate that game and my career as one and the same."
"I guarantee you, if you could give me 10 points in all those seventh games against the Boston Celtics, instead of Bill Russell having 11 rings, I could've at least had nine or eight."
"If you have ability in a certain area, why not capitalize on it and improve it and use it?"
"It just wasn't right the way they were behind by 25 points and then they're told to hold the ball."
"It was a challenge to my teammates to help me."
"Nobody roots for Goliath."
"The man who won't loan money isn't going to have many friends - or need them."
"They were so clever finding ways to get me the ball. They had to do more than just give up open shots. They had to avoid fouls and pass me the ball in traffic."
"They were willing to do anything to stop me."
"We're all fascinated by the numbers, as we were about the 100 points."
"When you go out there and do the things you're supposed to do, people view you as selfish."
"With all of you men out there who think that having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I have learned in my life I've found out that having one woman a thousand different times is much more satisfying."
"You must understand as a kid of color in those days, the Harlem Globetrotters were like being movie stars."
a bullet for your head
Nov 16 2009, 02:01
Nov 16 2009, 02:32
Απλα να προσθεσω οτι ο Shaq μαζι με αυτον τον δημοσιογραφο που του εκανε αυτη την ερωτηση,γνωριζονται απο πολυ παλια και καθε φορα "την λεει" ο ενας στον αλλον δημοσιως
a bullet for your head
Nov 16 2009, 03:10
QUOTE(Johanvil @ Nov 16 2009, 02:32 )

Απλα να προσθεσω οτι ο Shaq μαζι με αυτον τον δημοσιογραφο που του εκανε αυτη την ερωτηση,γνωριζονται απο πολυ παλια και καθε φορα "την λεει" ο ενας στον αλλον δημοσιως

Λες να ειναι ο ιδιος?
captain charisma
Nov 16 2009, 13:41
ατακες του σερ τσαρλς μπαρκλει
Για την κόρη του
"Ευτυχώς η 17χρονη κόρη μου δεν βγαίνει ραντεβού ακόμη. Ελπίζω να μην αρχίσει πριν μπω στο Hall-of-Fame. Δεν θέλω να σκοτώσω κανέναν πριν από αυτή τη μεγάλη μέρα".
"Σκέφτομαι ότι αν σκοτώσω τον πρώτο φίλο της κόρης μου, τότε όλοι οι άλλοι θα παραδειγματιστούν".
Για τις γυναίκες
"Ποτέ δεν παίρνω στις κοπέλες μου δώρο ένα ρολόι. Πάντα υπάρχει ένα πάνω από το φούρνο".
Για την πολιτική
Όταν τον ρώτησαν αν έχει επισκεφτεί το γραφείο του γερουσιαστή της Αλαμπάμπα. "Δεν αφήνουν κανέναν έγχρωμο να μπει στην έπαυλη του Γερυσιαστή. Εκτός αν ήρθαν για να καθαρίσουν".
"Με ρωτάνε γιατί ψήφισα τον Τζορτζ Μπους. Οι γονείς μου λένε ότι μόνο οι πλούσιοι ψηφίζουν Μπους. Και τότε σκέφτηκα: Έι κι εγώ πλούσιος είμαι".Για... ξύλο
Όταν είχε ρίξει μια δυνατή αγκωνιά σε έναν αντίπαλο στο ματς ΗΠΑ-Ανγκόλα στους Ολυμπιακούς του 1992 στη Βαρκελώνη. "Δεν έπρεπε να κάνω κάτι τέτοιο. Πιθανόν το παιδί να μην είχε φάει για μέρες".
Κατα τη διάρκεια της σεζόν μια κακή πάσα βρήκε στο κεφάλι έναν άτυχο οπαδό, που έφυγε από το γήπεδο με φορείο. Δίπλα του η μικρή του κόρη έκλαιγε. "Οι παίκτες δέχονται συνέχεια τη μπάλα στο κεφάλι. Ξέρετε γιατί κλαίει το κοριτσάκι; Επειδή λέει μέσα της ότι "ο μπαμπάς μου είναι φλώρος".
Για συμπαίκτες κι αντιπάλους
Για τον παλιό του συμπαίκτη Έλιοτ Πέρι. "Ήταν πολύ καλό παιδί για να κάνει παρέα μαζί μου. Ποτέ δεν ήταν δίπλα μου όταν με πήγαιναν στο τμήμα. Πάντα κοιμόταν από νωρίς".
Για τον Στρομάιλ Σουίφτ που τείνει να γίνει αιώνιο ταλέντο. "Ναι όντως μπορεί να τρέξει και να πηδήξει. Αλλά το ίδιο κάνει ένα ελάφι! Και ποτέ δεν είδα κάποιον προπονητή να βάζει ένα ελάφι μες στο παρκέ".
Κοροϊδεύοντας την εμφάνιση του Σαμ Κασέλ... "Έχω μια απορία. Έχετε δει ποτέ τον Τζον Κλέιτον, το Γκόλουμ (από τον "Άρχοντα των Δακτυλιδιών") και τον Σαμ Κασέλ ποτέ στο ίδιο μέρος".
"Το μοναδικό κοινό σημείο του Λάρι Μπερντ και του Κρίστιαν Λέτνερ είναι ότι κι οι δύο κατουράνε όρθιοι".
Για τον Στιβ Νας: "Το έχω πει μόνο δύο φορές στη ζωή μου. Αλλά αυτός είναι... a bad white boy ("ένας απίστευτος λευκός")". Η πρώτη φορά ήταν για τον Λάρι Μπερντ.
Για τον τραυματισμό του Ράτζα Μπελ: "Δεν είμαι γιατρός, αλλά ξέρω ότι χρειάζεσαι δύο πόδια για να παίξεις μπάσκετ".
Σχόλιο για τον αδύνατο Χακίμ Ουόρικ
Κέβιν Χάρλαν: "Εδώ είναι ο Χακίμ Ουόρικ από το Σίρακιους
Τσαρλς Μπάρκλεϊ: "Πρέπει να πάρω τηλέφωνο τον Τζιμ Μποχέιμ. Πρέπει να βάλουν αίθουσα με βάρη εκεί πέρα".
Σχόλιο για την κίνηση του Τζος Σμιθ να επιχειρήσει κάρφωμα από τα 6 μέτρα!
"Είναι γελοίο. Είναι απίθανο κάποιος να καρφώσει από εκεί. Είναι σαν να ψάχνει ο Ντικ Τσέινι νέο παρτενέρ για κυνήγι".
Σχόλιο για τον Αντρέ Ιγκουοντάλα, ο οποίος δεν... προλαβαίνει να σουτάρει πλάι στον Άλεν Άιβερσον:
Κέβιν: "Ο Αντρέ Ιγκουοντάλα είναι καυτός".
Μπάρκλεϊ: "Δεν είναι καυτός. Απλά είναι χαρούμενος που έχει την ευκαιρία να σουτάρει".
"Προσπαθεί να σουτάρει όσο μπορεί πριν γυρίσει στη δουλειά την Τρίτη".
Στον Στιβ Κερ: "Έι Στίβι, χωρίς παρεξήγηση, αλλά αν δεν ήξερες να σουτάρεις, δεν θα υπήρχε λόγος να είσαι ζωντανός".
Σχολιάζοντας τις σκέψεις του Καρλ Μαλόουν για αποχώρηση από την ενεργό δράση:
"Όταν δεν σου κάνω έκπτωση στα ΜακΝτόναλντς, τότε καταλαβαίνεις ότι πρέπει να αποσυρθείς".
Για τον "αγαπημένο" του Κένι Σμιθ (σ.σ συμπαρουσιαστή του στην εκπομπή του ΤΝΤ)
"Όλα αφορούν τους σταρ. Όταν πας στο Σικάγο δε λες κακή κουβέντα για τον Μάικλ. Όταν πας στο Λος Άντζελες σέβεσαι τον Μάτζικ. Όταν πας στη Βοστόνη υποκλίνεσαι στον Λάρι. Αλλά όταν έρχεσαι στο Χιούστον, πλακώνεις στο ξύλο τον Κένι Σμιθ".
Για ένα φάουλ που σφυρίχτηκε στον Ντουέιν Ουέιντ
"Αυτό δεν είναι αντιαθλητικό φάουλ. Με έχουν φιλήσει πιο... σκληρά. Συγκεκριμένα ο Κένι" (εννοώντας τον συν-σχολιαστή του Κένι Σμιθ).
Προς τον συν-σχολιαστή του Κένι Σμιθ:
Μπάρκλεϊ: "Κι οι δύο ξέρουμε ότι είσαι άσχημος"
Σμιθ: "Προτιμώ να είμαι έξυπνος, παρά όμορφος"
Μπάρκλεϊ: "Ωραία. Τότε χάνεις 0-2".
Κατά τη διάρκεια της μετάδοσης
Απαντώντας στον Έρνι Τζόνσον που κάνει τις περιγραφές στους αγώνες των Ρόκετς...
Έρνι Τζόνσον: "ΟΚ! Δηλαδη πάλι απειλείς να με χτυπήσεις";
Τσαρλς Μπάρκλεϊ: "Απειλή είναι ότι δεν κάνεις κάτι. Εγώ θα σε χτυπήσω".
Για την ήττα των Γκρίζλις από τους Μάβερικς: "Αυτοί οι Γκρίζλις (Αρκούδες), μοιάζουν περισσότερο με πάντα"!
Σχόλιο του "Σερ" όταν ο Ρέτζι Έβανς έπιασε τα γεννητικά όργανα του Κρις Κάμαν.
Έρνι Τζόνσον: "Ο Ρέτζι Έβανς πιάστηκε να βάζει χέρι στο βάζο με τα μπισκότα".
Τσαρλς Μπάρκλεϊ: "Έρνι! Δεν ξέρω που βάζεις εσύ τα μπισκότα, αλλά εμείς δεν τα βάζουμε εκεί"!
Για να συνεχίσει: "Ο Ρέτζι (Έβανς) ήταν ο κασκαντέρ στην ταινία "Brokeback Mountain".
Για τον τζόγο
"Αν έχω πρόβλημα με το τζόγο. Ναι έχω! Αλλά βασικά δεν είναι πρόβλημα, γιατί έχω τα λεφτά για να παίζω".
"Αν δεν είχα πρόβλημα με τον τζόγο, δεν θα δούλευα καθόλου"
Για το μπάσκετ
"Τρέχουν σαν ελάφια, πηδάνε σαν ελάφια και σκέφτονται σαν ελάφια".
"Η διαφορά μεταξύ ενός καλού σουτ κι ενός κακού, είναι το αν θα μπει η μπάλα μέσα"
Για τους φιλάθλους
"Δεν με ενδιαφέρει τι λέει ο κόσμος. Ο κόσμος είναι ηλίθιος".
Για τους γκέι
Βλέποντας την Μπιγιονσέ στις εξέδρες:
"Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω πως κάποιος βλέποντας κάτι τόσο όμορφο πάει στο... Brokeback Mountain".
"Δεν θα τσακωθώ μαζί σου, Έρνι. Θα σου ρίξω μπουνιά στο αριστερό μάτι" (προς τον συν-σχολιαστή του Έρνι Τζόνσον).
Μεγάλες... ατάκες
Για τις πολλές προσπάθειες του Κόμπι Μπράιαντ: "Ποτέ δεν θα έπαιρνα 30 σουτ σε ένα ματς". Έχει σουτάρει τρεις φορές πάνω από 30 σουτ σε έναν αγώνα.
"Ο Λάρι Μπερντ πρέπει να στριφογυρίζει στον τάφο του". (Την ώρα που ο Μπερντ παρακολουθήσουμε το παιχνίδι από τα επίσημα).
Σε μια παρεξήγηση που έγινε μετά τη δημοσίευση της αυτοβιογραφίας του:
"Δικό μου λάθος! Έπρεπε να τη διαβάσω πριν βγει στα βιβλιοπωλεία"
"Ο χαρακτήρας μου άλλαξε όταν έπαιζα μπάσκετ στη Φιλαδέλφεια. Η προσωπικότητα μου έκανε στροφή 360 μοιρών"
"Μου αρέσει να βοηθάω τους φτωχούς. Αν δεν το κάνουν οι πλούσιοι, ποιος θα το κάνει; Σίγουρα όχι οι άλλοι φτωχοι"; "Δηλητήριο" για ομάδες
Για την κακή πορεία των Νικς
"Ο Νέιτ Ρόμπινσον χάνει το ένα κάρφωμα μετά το άλλο. Δεν μπορεί να είναι απογοητευμένος. Άλλωστε παίζει για τους... Νικς".
Για τη συνήθεια του Φιλ Τζάκσον να δίνει βιβλία στους παίκτες του: "Πρέπει να τους δώσει τη Βίβλο. Μόνο ο θεός μπορεί να τους βοηθήσει".
Για τους Σπερς: "Γιατί το ΝΒΑ δεν τους δίνει τα δαχτυλίδια και για την επόμενη περίοδο; Θα γλιτώσουμε χρόνο έτσι".
Τσαρλς Μπάρκλεϊ (για τους Σέλτικς): "Πιστεύω ότι τους κερδίζει κι η γυναικεία ομάδα του Κονέκτικατ".
Για τα κιλά του
Έρνι Τζόνσον: "Ο Σακίλ Ο'Νιλ έβαλε 10 κιλά φέτος το καλοκαίρι. Όλα σε μύες".
Μπάρκλεϊ: "Όλοι οι χοντροί αυτό λένε. Όλα σε μύες".
Κρις Ρόουζ: "Παλιά σε έλεγαν Round Mound of Rebound (= το στρογγυλό βουνό των ριμπάουντ). Αλήθεια; Πόσο στρογγυλός είσαι σήμερα";
Μπάρκλεϊ: "Με 1-2 ντόνατς ακόμη θα γίνει ο τέλειος κύκλος".
"Προσπάθησα να μάθω στον "Σακ" μια λέξη που δίδαξα στον Όλιβερ Μίλερ: το "χόρτασα". (Ο Όλιβερ Μίλερ έκανε καριέρα στο ΝΒΑ παρά τα 180 κιλά του. Πέρασε για ένα φεγγάρι κι από το Ηράκλειο).
"Θέλω να κάνω δίαιτα. Αλλά ρε γαμώτο το φαγητό είναι τόοοσσσοοοο νόστιμο".
Μεγάλες κόντρες
Σε γράμμα προς τον μεγάλο του εχθρό Μπιλ Λαμπίρ:
"Αγαπητέ Μπιλ,
Άντε Γ....
Για τη Φιλαδέλφεια
Όταν βρισκόταν στη Βαρκελώνη για τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες του '92.
"Μου λείπει η Αμερική. Μου λείπει τα εγκλήματα κι οι φόνοι. Εδώ δεν έχει σκοτωθεί κανείς από μαχαίρωμα δώ τις τελευταίες 24 ώρες. Είναι τραγικό"
"Στη Φιλαδέλφεια με είχαν σταματήσει όταν οδηγούσα την Πόρσε μου. Με κατηγόρησαν για DWB, Driving While Black (Μαύρος οδηγός).
απο σπορτ24 το πηρα αλλα αξιζει να υπαρχει εδω περα.
il postino
Nov 16 2009, 16:35
a bullet for your head
Nov 16 2009, 18:38
QUOTE(captain charisma @ Nov 16 2009, 13:41 )

ατακες του σερ τσαρλς μπαρκλει
"Προσπάθησα να μάθω στον "Σακ" μια λέξη που δίδαξα στον Όλιβερ Μίλερ: το "χόρτασα". (Ο Όλιβερ Μίλερ έκανε καριέρα στο ΝΒΑ παρά τα 180 κιλά του. Πέρασε για ένα φεγγάρι κι από το Ηράκλειο).
"Θέλω να κάνω δίαιτα. Αλλά ρε γαμώτο το φαγητό είναι τόοοσσσοοοο νόστιμο".
Ο Μπαρκλει ειχε πει για τον Μιλλερ,οτι παρα τα κιλα του, μπορει να πηδηξει πολυ ψηλα...αρκει να του δωσεις το εξτρα κινητρο...ενα χαμπουργκερ δηλαδη στο πανω-πανω μερος του ταμπλω...

QUOTE(john morisson @ Nov 15 2009, 17:13 )

"Wilt Chamberlain lied when he said he had 20,000 women.” -- Dennis Rodman
Δεν αποκλειεται ο Ροντμαν να εχει και δικιο...
Διοτι αν δεν κανω λαθος,αν ο Τσαμπερλεην πηγαινε καθημερινα και με μια διαφορετικη γυναικα,για να βγουν στο τελος 20000 οι ερωμενες του, θα του 'παιρνε περιπου 54 χρονια...
Τι διαολο...δεν επαιζε μπασκετ,δεν προπονουνταν,δεν ειχε αλλες δραστηριοτητες..??Παρα μονο....ηταν μια ακαταπαυστη μηχανη του σεξ?
Εντωμεταξυ..κατι ξερει και ο Τρελο-Ντενις απο γυναικες...

...το εχει ''εντρυφησει'' το θεμα...
a bullet for your head
Nov 16 2009, 19:15
Δυο πολυ σημαντικες στιγμες για τον Μαικλ Τζορνταν....για το ΝΒΑ & γενικα για τους απανταχου μπασκετοφιλους...
a bullet for your head
Nov 17 2009, 02:59
Σαν να τον εφαγε τον Σερ Τσαρλς,η Ιζαμπελ στα πους-απς...
Διοτι αυτη τα εκανε πολυ σωστα,ενω ο Τσαρλς σαν να μου φανηκε οτι ψιλοεκλεβε...τα εκανε,οπως τα κανουν 7χρονα...
a bullet for your head
Nov 17 2009, 18:06
2 video με συνεντευξεις του Λαρι Μπερντ...
Το 1ο ειναι απ την 60αρα που ειχε ριξει στους Χωκς και στο 2ο ειναι παραμονη της μεγαλης επικειμενης μαχης των Σελτικς με τους Πιστονς..
Στο 2ο ενδιαφερον παρουσιαζει & η ''ερμηνευτικη'' ικανοτητα του κοουτς Τζοουνς..

..ανετα θα μπορουσε να δουλεψει και σε πιανο-μπαρ..

...οπως και αυτος ο απιστευτος ονοματι Σμουκ...
Air and King
Nov 18 2009, 01:51
Παμε λιγο στον "Βρωμοστομο" Μπομπι Ναιτ.....
Αν υπηρχε στην Ελλαδα ενας Μπομπι Ναιτ οι Ελληνες δημοσιογραφοι θα ειχαν ακουσει πολλα βλαστημια και θα ειχαν γινει και καλυτεροι στην δουλεια τους!.......
"Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win."
"The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare."
"The key is not the "will to win" . . . everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important."
"Everybody hears, but few listen."
"You don't play against opponents, you play against the game of basketball."
"Everyone wants to be on a winning team, but no one wants to come to practice."
"Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one."
"Walking has been ridiculous in college basketball the past 15 years."
"At one point, I said to the officials that you guys haven't called walking for 20 years, now you don't know what it is. When you call walking, you're about half right."
"I don't have to wait until the next morning to regret something I did that was kinda dumb."
"Why talk now when so many things have been said without ever giving me a chance to talk?"
"All of us learn to write in the second grade. Most of us go on to greater things."
"If my primary purpose here at Indiana is to go out and win ballgames, I can probably do that as well as anybody can. I would just cheat, get some money from a lot of people around Indianapolis who want to run the operation that way, and just go out and get the best basketball players I can. Then we'd beat everybody."
Ο Μαικ Σιζεφσκι ειναι ενας απο τους κορυφαιους προπονητες στην Ιστορια του Κολλεγιακου μπασκετ και σιγουρα ειναι ενδιαφεροντα αρκετα απο οσα εχει πει κατα καιρους!
"A basketball team is like the five fingers on your hand. If you can get them all together, you have a fist. That's how I want you to play."
"Each group and each youngster is different. As a leader or coach, you get to know what they need."
"Even though we want huge individual egos, our collective ego is unbelievable."
"Everybody wants to take responsibility when you win, but when you fail, all these fingers are pointing."
"First of all, what happens is, when you're good at something, you spend a lot of time with it. People identify you with that sport, so it becomes part of your identity."
"Leaders have to search for the heart on a team, because the person who has it can bring out the best in everybody else."
"I always won in my imagination. I always hit the game-winning shot, or I hit the free throw. Or if I missed, there was a lane violation, and I was given another one."
"I have a rule on my team: when we talk to one another, we look each other right in the eye, because I think it's tough to lie to somebody. You give respect to somebody."
"I think you're not a human being unless you have doubts and fears."
"I'm fortunate now that I coach at Duke University and we've won a lot. I have some kids who haven't failed that much. But when they get to college, they're going to fail some time. That's a thing that I can help them the most with."
"I've tried to handle winning well, so that maybe we'll win again, but I've also tried to handle failure well. If those serve as good examples for teachers and kids, then I hope that would be a contribution I have made to sport. Not just basketball, but to sport."
"If a team cannot perform with excellence at a moment's notice, they probably will fail in the long run."
"If you have talent with teamwork, you've got a chance to be a championship team."
"Imagination has a great deal to do with winning."
"In high school, in sport, I had a coach who told me I was much better than I thought I was, and would make me do more in a positive sense. He was the first person who taught me not to be afraid of failure."
"The thing I loved the most - and still love the most about teaching - is that you can connect with an individual or a group, and see that individual or group exceed their limits."
"The truth is that many people set rules to keep from making decisions."
"Whatever a leader does now sets up what he does later. And there's always a later."
"To me, teamwork is the beauty of our sport, where you have five acting as one. You become selfless."
"When I had troubles, I'd go out - with basketball, you can do it by yourself, too. So you'd go out and shoot, and you'd fantasize."
"With me and basketball, it became part of me."
"I don't look at myself as a basketball coach. I look at myself as a leader who happens to coach basketball."
"Confrontation simply means meeting the truth head-on."
"Don't worry about losing. Think about winning."
"Confidence shared is better than confidence only in yourself."
"People want to be on a team. They want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to be in a situation where they feel that they are doing something for the greater good."
"Courage gives a leader the ability to stand straight and not sway no matter which way the wind blows."
"With accomplishments comes confidence and with confidence comes belief. It has to be in that order."
"A leader's responsibility to his team is paramount. It overshadows even his own personal feelings at any given time."
"I believe a big part of leadership is about winning the moment."
O Γκουρου Τεξ Γουιντερ.....Κατα την αποψη μου πρωτα επρεπε να μπει αυτος στο Hall of Fame και μετα ο Φιλ Τζακσον......
“New Jersey plays the same way we do. It's a team concept. Everybody touches the ball. The principles are the same.”
“I'm amazed that we have the kind of record we've got.”
“Basketball can really burst your bubble. There are moments you want to walk away from it and never come back. Somehow, I'v always gotten over those moments.”
“Basketball has been my life. There are trials and tribulations, it's time-consuming. But there's glory and the thrill of competition. I've never emphasized winning or losing. It's giving your best and the glory of competition - that's what keeps me in it.”
“One bad pass begets another”
“The coaches who enjoy life are those who have remained young at heart, have faith in God, have cultivated a sense of humor, have learned to like people and to get along harmoniously and pleasantly with them.”
a bullet for your head
Nov 18 2009, 02:18
Ο Μπομπι Ναιτ ειχε ερθει στην Ελλαδα το 1992 για ενα σεμιναριο προπονητικης στην Αρχαια Ολυμπια...
Φανταζομαι οτι οι ατακες του θα ηταν ουκ ολιγες...
Οπως εχω ξανατονισει παρα πολλες φορες, στην Ελλαδα βρισκομαστε αιωνες πισω,σε παρα πολλα ζητηματα...συνθηκων,υποδομων,σχεδιασμου,προ
γραμματισμου,μαρκετινγκ και πολλα αλλα...ενα επισης σημαντικο ομως θεωρω & αυτη την υποκριτικη καθιερωση του politically correct και του δηθεν καθως-πρεπισμου...
Παραπανω παρεθεσα ενα πολυ συντομο και αστειο βιντεακι με τον Σακ...οπου ενας κολλητος του δημοσιογραφος τον ρωταει μια πολυ χαζη ερωτηση για το τι θα εκανε αν ενα φιδι τσιμπουσε τη μανα του στο στηθος...η ατακα του ηταν εκπληκτικη...
Και μιλαμε για το καλυτερο πρωταθλημα του κοσμου και με παικτες οι οποιοι αμοιβονται με τεραστια ποσα ειτε απ τις ομαδες τους,ειτε απ τις εταιριες που διαφημιζουν..
Υπαρχει δηλαδη μια σχετικη ''απελευθερωση''..και νομιζω οτι ο κοσμος δεν εχει και καποιου τυπου προβλημα..απεναντιας το απολαμβανει..
Αυτα που εχει πει και εχει κανει ο Τρελο-Μπομπι(εχω παραθεσει ορισμενα στο εναρκτηριο ποστ μου),δημοσια,μπροστα στον τηλεοπτικο φακο,αν τα εκανε στην Ελλαδα,ολοι θα 'πεφταν να τον φανε...
QUOTE(Air and King @ Nov 18 2009, 01:51 )

Παμε λιγο στον "Βρωμοστομο" Μπομπι Ναιτ.....
Αν υπηρχε στην Ελλαδα ενας Μπομπι Ναιτ οι Ελληνες δημοσιογραφοι θα ειχαν ακουσει πολλα βλαστημια και θα ειχαν γινει και καλυτεροι στην δουλεια τους!.......
"The key is not the "will to win" . . . everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important."
"Everybody hears, but few listen."
"Everyone wants to be on a winning team, but no one wants to come to practice."
"Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one."
Ο Μαικ Σιζεφσκι ειναι ενας απο τους κορυφαιους προπονητες στην Ιστορια του Κολλεγιακου μπασκετ και σιγουρα ειναι ενδιαφεροντα αρκετα απο οσα εχει πει κατα καιρους!
"A basketball team is like the five fingers on your hand. If you can get them all together, you have a fist. That's how I want you to play."
"Everybody wants to take responsibility when you win, but when you fail, all these fingers are pointing."
"I have a rule on my team: when we talk to one another, we look each other right in the eye, because I think it's tough to lie to somebody. You give respect to somebody."
"Imagination has a great deal to do with winning."
O Γκουρου Τεξ Γουιντερ.....Κατα την αποψη μου πρωτα επρεπε να μπει αυτος στο Hall of Fame και μετα ο Φιλ Τζακσον......
“The coaches who enjoy life are those who have remained young at heart, have faith in God, have cultivated a sense of humor, have learned to like people and to get along harmoniously and pleasantly with them.”
Απο ολες αυτες τις ατακες ξεχωρισα αυτες...ειδικα τη τελευταια του Γερο-Τεξ...
Air and King
Nov 18 2009, 02:25
QUOTE(a bullet for your head @ Nov 18 2009, 02:18 )

Αυτα που εχει πει και εχει κανει ο Τρελο-Μπομπι(εχω παραθεσει ορισμενα στο εναρκτηριο ποστ μου),δημοσια,μπροστα στον τηλεοπτικο φακο,αν τα εκανε στην Ελλαδα,ολοι θα 'πεφταν να τον φανε...
Θα μπορουσαν?Η θα τους εκοβε το λαρυγγι οπως πηγε να κανει το 97 με τον παλιο παιχτη του Νηλ Ριντ που πηγε να τον πνιξει στην προπονηση.....Ειναι τρελος ο Μπομπι Ναιτ δεν μασαει

.....Οι δημοσιογραφοι και οι διαιτητες πολλες φορες το κοιταγαν καλα-καλα να μην τους ορμηξει.......
a bullet for your head
Nov 18 2009, 02:41
QUOTE(Air and King @ Nov 18 2009, 02:25 )

Θα μπορουσαν?Η θα τους εκοβε το λαρυγγι οπως πηγε να κανει το 97 με τον παλιο παιχτη του Νηλ Ριντ που πηγε να τον πνιξει στην προπονηση.....Ειναι τρελος ο Μπομπι Ναιτ δεν μασαει

.....Οι δημοσιογραφοι και οι διαιτητες πολλες φορες το κοιταγαν καλα-καλα να μην τους ορμηξει.......
Ο Μπομπι ειναι ενας ζωντανος θρυλος του κολεγιακου μπασκετ(αληθεια φιλε Air & King,τι θα ελεγες να ανοιξω καποια στιγμη και ενα poll,για τους καλυτερους προπονητες ολων των εποχων στο NCAA?

)..και απ την αρχη της καριερας του ηταν ιδιορρυθμος και ο κοσμος τον εμαθε ως ετσι...συν βεβαια οτι και οι επτυχιες που εκανε τον εδραιωσαν,ενω οπως ανεφερα και παραπανω,στην Αμερικη τα πραγματα ειναι καπως πιο ''απελευθερωμενα'',οσον αφορα το επικοινωνιακο σκελος...
Μπορει πολλοι κατα καιρους να εχουν μισησει θανασιμα τον Τρελο-Μπομπι,ομως οσο αυτα που λεει και κανει,αποτελουν ΤΗΝ ΤΡΟΦΗ για τον τηλεοπτικο φακο και οσο υπαρχουν και πολλοι που γουσταρουν αυτα που λεει και ετσι οπως τα λεει,δεν τον κουναει κανενας απ τη θεση του...
Εδω ομως ειναι Ελλαδα...φανταζεσαι τον Μπομπι να λεει αυτα που εχει σε Αμερικανους δημοσιογραφους,στον Συριγο ας πουμε?Η' να την λεει στον Γιαννακη η' στον Βασιλακοπουλο..η' να κυκλοφορει με το μαστιγιο στις προπονησεις?
Εδω ενας Ιωαννιδης περασε και ολοι τον εχθρευονταν οσο δεν παει αλλο...
Δεν νομιζω οτι το υπαρχον συστημα εδω στην Ελλαδα,οτι θα επετρεπε μια τετοια ''παρουσια''...
Βεβαια,οπως εχω ξαναπει και παλιοτερα,τετοιοι ατακαδοροι και ιδιορρυθμοι,εκτοξευουν στα υψη το ενδιαφερον του κοινου...και νομιζω οτι ειναι απαραιτητοι,με γνωμονα παντα οτι το μπασκετ λογιζεται και ως προιον...
Βλεπουμε επισης οτι ολες σχεδον οι συνεντευξεις των παικτων,οτι ειναι τελειως τυποποιημενες,''κονσερβοποιημενες'',& επικοινωνιακα αρτιες αλλα και ''αρεστες''...
Προσωπικα το εχω βαρεθει πλεον...υπαρχουν παρα πολλα ''στεγανα''..
Air and King
Nov 18 2009, 02:52
QUOTE(a bullet for your head @ Nov 18 2009, 02:41 )

Εδω ομως ειναι Ελλαδα...φανταζεσαι τον Μπομπι να λεει αυτα που εχει σε Αμερικανους δημοσιογραφους,στον Συριγο ας πουμε?
Εδω ενας Ιωαννιδης περασε και ολοι τον εχθρευονταν οσο δεν παει αλλο...
Προσωπικα το εχω βαρεθει πλεον...υπαρχουν παρα πολλα ''στεγανα''..
Του Συριγου που ειναι και κουτοπονηρος θα του εχωνε κανονικα!
"Οι εξυπνακηδες" ειναι γνωστο οτι δεν αρεσαν ποτε στον Μπομπι Ναιτ και παντα τους εβαζε στην θεση τους.....
Προσωπικα ενας απο τους λογους που ημουν μεγαλος φαν του Ιωαννιδη οχι μονο στον Ολυμπιακο αλλα και πιο πριν στον Αρη ηταν οτι ηταν παντα αντιδραστικο στοιχειο!
Εγω τα εχω βαρεθει εδω και χρονια!Ζητω το Αμερικανικο μπασκετ οn and off the court....
a bullet for your head
Nov 18 2009, 04:48
Μια γευση απο Λεμπρον...και απ το βραβειο του MVP..
a bullet for your head
Nov 18 2009, 19:03
QUOTE(Air and King @ Nov 18 2009, 02:52 )

Ζητω το Αμερικανικο μπασκετ οn and off the court....
Ενα πολυ ωραιο video με στιγμες απο πλει-οφς & συνεντευξεις τυπου...
Τελικα και ο Ντανκαν ειναι ατακαδορος...
Ενω και ο Νταγκ Κολλινς δεν ''υπολοιποταν'' σε φιλοσοφια..(ειτε ανατολιτικου τυπου,ειτε δυτικου...),εναντι του Φιλ...
Θα ηταν καλο καποια στιγμη να υιοθετηθει και εδω στην Ελλαδα,ενα αναλογο κλιμα..οσον αφορα το επικοινωνιακο σκελος.
a bullet for your head
Nov 19 2009, 17:20
Μερικες πολυ ωραιες στιγμες για μια απ τις εμβληματικοτερες φιγουρες του ΝΒΑ....αν οχι η εμβληματικοτερη...για τους Σελτικς σιγουρα ειναι...
Απλα υποκλινομαι...
Air and King
Nov 19 2009, 17:33
QUOTE(a bullet for your head @ Nov 19 2009, 17:20 )

Μερικες πολυ ωραιες στιγμες για μια απ τις εμβληματικοτερες φιγουρες του ΝΒΑ....αν οχι η εμβληματικοτερη...για τους Σελτικς σιγουρα ειναι...
Απλα υποκλινομαι...

Θεος "ο Θρυλος με το Πουρο"....
Ενας προπονητης που πρωτο διδαξε τι σημαινει η λεξη "ομαδα"!
Αν επρεπε να αναφερθουν 3 λεξεις και μονο διπλα στους Σελτικς θα ηταν:Ρεντ Αουρμπακχ- Μπιλ Ρασσελ- Λαρρυ Μπερντ!
Kαποια quotes απο τον Τεραστιο Ρεντ Αουερμπακχ........
"An acre of performance is worth a whole world of promise."
"Basketball is like war in that offensive weapons are developed first, and it always takes a while for the defense to catch up."
"He who believes in nobody knows that he himself is not to be trusted."
"Just do what you do best."
"Natural abilities are like natural plants; they need pruning by study."
"The best way to forget ones self is to look at the world with attention and love."
"The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology."
"To a father, when a child dies, the future dies; to a child when a parent dies, the past dies."
a bullet for your head
Nov 19 2009, 18:06
QUOTE(Air and King @ Nov 19 2009, 17:33 )

Θεος "ο Θρυλος με το Πουρο"....
Ενας προπονητης που πρωτο διδαξε τι σημαινει η λεξη "ομαδα"!
Αν επρεπε να αναφερθουν 3 λεξεις και μονο διπλα στους Σελτικς θα ηταν:Ρεντ Αουρμπακχ- Μπιλ Ρασσελ- Λαρρυ Μπερντ!
Kαποια quotes απο τον Τεραστιο Ρεντ Αουερμπακχ........
"To a father, when a child dies, the future dies; to a child when a parent dies, the past dies."
Στο 5ο βιντεακι τον ρωτα ο δημοσιογραφος,πως ξεκινησε ολη αυτη την ιστορια με το πουρο....
Και ο Ρεντ του λεει οτι στην αρχη οι υπευθυνοι της λιγκα του παραπονεθηκαν και του εθιξαν το ζητημα με το πουρο....και αυτος τους πηρε τηλεφωνο και τους ειπε οτι ο ταδε καπνιζει οταν ειναι στον παγκο,ο αλλος καπνιζει οταν ειναι στον παγκο,εγω γιατι να μην αναβω το πουρο?Δεν ειμαι πανω σε αεροπλανο!!
Επισης παλι στο 5ο βιντεο,ο Ουεμπερ προλογιζοντας ανεφερε πως ο Ρεντ ηταν ο 1ος που πρωτολανσαρε το fast break...εγω δεν εχω εικονα των Σελτικς απο κεινα τα χρονια...εσυ που εχεις δει αρκετα παιχνιδια του παρελθοντος,μπορεις να το επιβεβαιωσεις.
Παντως,στη σειρα αυτη με την εκμαθηση των βασικων,θυμαμαι πως οταν μιλαγε για τον αιφνιδιασμο,ενας απ τους παικτες που μετειχαν προκειμενου να τον βοηθησουν σ'συτη τη πολυ γνωστη σειρα,ηταν ο νυν κοουτς Ντον Νελσον...τωρα εξηγουνται ολα!!
Στο 2ο βιντεο τον ρωτα ο δημοσιογραφος για το ποσο επεμενε στην ομαδικη δουλεια...και αν αυτο το μοντελο θα μπορουσε να το εφαρμοσει καποιος προπονητης στο φουτμπωλ η' στο μπειζμπωλ,λογω οτι οι παικτες ειναι πολυ περισσοτεροι..
Ο Ρεντ απαντησε πως στο φουτμπωλ,οσο και αν ειναι πολυ πολυπλοκο απο πλευρας τακτικης-στρατηγικης,ο 1ος προπονητης υποβοηθειται και απο παρα πολλους αλλους βοηθους προπονητες και πως θα μπορουσε να νουθετηθει και εκει,οπως και στο μπειζμπωλ...
Και ο δημοσιογραφος του λεει οτι και στο συγχρονο μπασκετ ο 1ος προπονητης εχει τους βοηθους του,σε αντιθεση με τα χρονια που ο Ρεντ αλλα και οι αλλοι προπονητες της εποχης του,διαχειριζοντουσαν μονοι τους τη κατασταση και αυτος του απαντα οτι αυτο ειναι ανοητο....τι να τις κανει τις επιπλεον γνωμες ο 1ος προπονητης?Αν θα πρεπει να ρωταει τις γνωμες καποιων,αυτες ειναι των παικτων!Αυτοι παιζουν εκει μεσα(στο γηπεδο),& αυτοι ξερουν καλυτερα το τι συμβαινει...
Αυτο το αναφερω για να δειξω το ποση μεγαλη σημασια εδινε ο Ρεντ,στο να δημιουργει πολυ καλες,δυνατες και συμπαγεις σχεσεις με τους παικτες του και το ποσο μεγαλο χαρισμα ειχε στην ανθρωπινη επαφη μ'αυτους...
Τελος, σ'αυτη την ατακα που παρεθεσες,θα διαφωνησω ως προς το 2ο σκελος..(Ελπιζω να μου το επιτρεπει ο μακαριτης..)..
Διοτι παραμενουν παντα δυνατα χαραγμενες οι αναμνησεις..
Air and King
Nov 19 2009, 18:18
QUOTE(a bullet for your head @ Nov 19 2009, 18:06 )

Επισης παλι στο 5ο βιντεο,ο Ουεμπερ προλογιζοντας ανεφερε πως ο Ρεντ ηταν ο 1ος που πρωτολανσαρε το fast break...εγω δεν εχω εικονα των Σελτικς απο κεινα τα χρονια...εσυ που εχεις δει αρκετα παιχνιδια του παρελθοντος,μπορεις να το επιβεβαιωσεις.
.τι να τις κανει τις επιπλεον γνωμες ο 1ος προπονητης?Αν θα πρεπει να ρωταει τις γνωμες καποιων,αυτες ειναι των παικτων!Αυτοι παιζουν εκει μεσα(στο γηπεδο),& αυτοι ξερουν καλυτερα το τι συμβαινει...
Αυτο το αναφερω για να δειξω το ποση μεγαλη σημασια εδινε ο Ρεντ,στο να δημιουργει πολυ καλες,δυνατες και συμπαγεις σχεσεις με τους παικτες του και το ποσο μεγαλο χαρισμα ειχε στην ανθρωπινη επαφη μ'αυτους...
Ναι ισχυει και μαλιστα εχω δει σε παιχνιδια να αρχιζει με κλεψιμο και να τελειωνει την φαση με καρφωμα ακομα και ο Μπιλ Ρασσελ!
Ετσι ηταν ο Αουερμπακχ με τους παιχτες του σαν "ο Πατερας με τα παιδια του".Επισης ποτε δεν εκρυψε "τον ερωτα του" για τον Μπιλ Ρασσελ!
a bullet for your head
Nov 19 2009, 18:32
QUOTE(Air and King @ Nov 19 2009, 18:18 )

Ετσι ηταν ο Αουερμπακχ με τους παιχτες του σαν "ο Πατερας με τα παιδια του".Επισης ποτε δεν εκρυψε "τον ερωτα του" για τον Μπιλ Ρασσελ!
Ειμαι της αποψης οτι απ τους τωρινους προπονητες,ο μονος που του μοιαζει και πλησιαζει περισσοτερο, οσον αφορα το ταμπεραμεντο,την διαχυτικοτητα,τον παρορμητισμο,την εμφαση στην ομαδικη δουλεια,καθως και στις πολυ καλες σχεσεις με τους παικτες,οτι ειναι ο Σταν Βαν Γκαντι...
Τι λες?
Air and King
Nov 19 2009, 18:49
QUOTE(a bullet for your head @ Nov 19 2009, 18:32 )

Ειμαι της αποψης οτι απ τους τωρινους προπονητες,ο μονος που του μοιαζει και πλησιαζει περισσοτερο, οσον αφορα το ταμπεραμεντο,την διαχυτικοτητα,τον παρορμητισμο,την εμφαση στην ομαδικη δουλεια,καθως και στις πολυ καλες σχεσεις με τους παικτες,οτι ειναι ο Σταν Βαν Γκαντι...
Τι λες?
Δεν εχεις αδικο για τον Σταν που ειναι και λατρης των 60ς ......Οντως εχει καλη σχεση με τους παιχτες αλλα ειναι αυστηρος οταν πρεπει......Διαχειρηστηκε πολυ καλα περυσι ενα μικρο τσακωμο με τον Χαουαρντ αφου πρωτα ο παιχτης εσβησε τα "φωτια".....
Θα προσθετα και τον Ποποβιτς σαν ας πουμε "Νεο Αουερμπακχ" ως προς "πανω απο ολα η ομαδα" αλλα και σαν προπονητικη αξια και τον Ντανκαν ως τον "συγχρονο Μπιλ Ρασσελ" οχι τοσο παιχτικα αλλα ως προς τον τροπο που επιρεαζει θετικα τους συμπαιχτες του-ο Τελειος συμπαιχτης κ.τ.λ
a bullet for your head
Nov 19 2009, 18:54
QUOTE(Air and King @ Nov 19 2009, 18:49 )

Δεν εχεις αδικο για τον Σταν που ειναι και λατρης των 60ς ......Οντως εχει καλη σχεση με τους παιχτες αλλα ειναι αυστηρος οταν πρεπει......Διαχειρηστηκε πολυ καλα περυσι ενα μικρο τσακωμο με τον Χαουαρντ αφου πρωτα ο παιχτης εσβησε τα "φωτια".....
Θα προσθετα και τον Ποποβιτς σαν ας πουμε "Νεο Αουερμπακχ" ως προς "πανω απο ολα η ομαδα" αλλα και σαν προπονητικη αξια και τον Ντανκαν ως τον "συγχρονο Μπιλ Ρασσελ" οχι τοσο παιχτικα αλλα ως προς τον τροπο που επιρεαζει θετικα τους συμπαιχτες του-ο Τελειος συμπαιχτης κ.τ.λ
Και ο Ποποβιτς ειναι ''παλαιας κοπης''...old school και πολυ αξιολογος...που με τον δικο του τροπο,εχει κατορθωσει και εχει δημιουργησει καλες σχεσεις με τους παικτες του και σιγουρα βαζει την ομαδικη δουλεια πανω απ'ολα..
Ομως παραειναι βλοσυρος και σχετικα απομακρος...ενω ο Σταν ''ομοιαζει'' περισσοτερο στον Αουερμπαχ,οσον αφορα το χιουμορ,την διαχυτικοτητα,τον παρορμητισμο και την πιο ανθρωπινη επαφη-προσεγγιση με τους παικτες...
Air and King
Nov 19 2009, 19:20
Παμε τωρα στους 2 καλυτερους κατα πολλους παιχτες στον κοσμο τον Κομπι και τον ΛεΜπρον και quotes που εχουν πει κατα καιρους οι αλλοι για αυτους..
Για τον Κομπι Μπραιαντ ειπαν.......
“I played with both Kobe and Michael. I would have to say that Kobe Bryant is the better player. Kobe has a much better shot, handles the ball better, and just has more tricks to go along with his game. And just look at his career…he already has 3 rings and he’s going for his fourth this year.”
— John Salley, former NBA player…”
“He has the ability to take the game over.”
—Former teammate Derek Fisher
“When Kobe focuses in, he’s a good defensive player. When he decides he’s not going to give any player anything, he will be the best.”
—Veteran NBA coach Jim Cleamons
“Nobody can guard Kobe one-on-one. Nobody.”
—Former Lakers coach Del Harris
“If there’s a player in the NBA who has a chance to be Michael Jordan, I believe this is the one player. He combines the talent with the same incredible work ethic.”
—Agent Arn Tellem
“Kobe’s a well balanced young man. He’s always stayed focused on what is important.”
—Pam Bryant
“Every play, you look at him and wonder, ‘What’s next?”
—Former teammate Eddie Jones
“He doesn’t make his game a personal game anymore.”
—Former teammate Rick Fox
“I’ve seen a lot of high school basketball, but I’ve never seen anyone as good as Kobe was.”
—Kobe’s high school coach Gregg Downer
“Kobe’s a model of what a young player should aspire to be. Year by year he learned and made his game more solid, and now he’s not just a highlight-film guy but an accomplished NBA player.”
—Former NBA head coach Larry Brown
"We have a deep-seated respect for each other. I marvel at this young man's competitive drive to reach excellence all the time and what he puts into every game, his ability to drive his team forward and make the game competitive night after night even when we've had disappointing endings."
—Lakers head coach Phil Jackson
“Kobe's range is unreal, and he does it his way.”
—Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"He takes the type of shots where you don't think they're going in, but suddenly he's rolling, so he's kind of hard to stop.”
—All-Star Chris Bosh
Για τον ΛεΜπρον ειπαν........
“LeBron has the potential to be the best ever. As incredible as he already is, he is still learning the game. LeBron is going to be unbelievable.”
-Legend Michael Jordan on LeBron James
“He has a chance to be arguably the greatest player ever to play the game.”
-Legend Jerry West on LeBron James
I fantasize about doing the things LeBron does athletically, especially at his size. I used to fantasize about having Elgin Baylor's jumping ability or Oscar Robertson's athleticism. Now I fantasize about LeBron's ability. He is the best player I have ever seen at this age."
—Legend Rick Barry on Lebron James
"He has the best vision of anyone in the league."
-Hall of Famer Hubie Brown on Lebron James
He breaks you down because he is such a great player."
-legend Michael Jordan on Lebron James
"I'd rather have Lebron James"
-Legend Scottie Pippen saying Lebron is better than Jordan at the age of 22
"He was as good as that other No. 23 I played against.He was exceptional. He wasn't going to let his team lose.''
-Legend Isiah Thomas on Lebron James
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen a player of his size, the power, the speed, the ball handling, the ability to make plays, to rebound, make steals, I don’t think I’ve seen a player in my time with that size do some of the things he does."
-Legend Jerry West on Lebron James
"I just love watching him and I appreciate how skillful he is."
-Legend Bill Russell on Lebron James
"I think, before he's done, he has a chance to be the greatest player of all time."
- Former NBA player Danny Ainge on Lebron James
"The best physical tools in the history of the game. He has the smarts of Magic Johnson, the brute strength and athleticism of George McGinnis and the speed of Ricky Green rolled into one massive body. I have said this since he has been in the league… If he continues to improve his jump shot, he will become the best ever."
-Former NBA player Eddie Johnson on Lebron James
"I see a little bit of Michael in him, and I see a little bit of me in him. Now he needs to win championships like Michael and I did, and I'm sure one day that will happen."
-Legend Magic Johnson on Lebron James
"He (LeBron) will, in my eye, be better than Michael"
-Legend Scottie Pippen and former teammate of Michael Jordan on Lebron
a bullet for your head
Nov 20 2009, 02:48
QUOTE(Gravedigger @ Nov 15 2009, 21:58 )

Για να σας την σπάσω λίγο....
You're talkin' about practice man!PRACTICE!
Air and King
Nov 21 2009, 18:13
Quotes απο εναν απο τους αγαπημενους μου παιχτες και μεγαλυτερους Θρυλους του μπασκετ τον "Βig O" Οσκαρ Ρομπερτσον....
"But I like to think an athlete is an athlete."
"But I think the image that's thrown out on television is a bad image. Because you see players who want to imitate hip-hop stars. And the NBA is taking advantage of the situation."
"But if people are buying the products, naturally they're gonna use them."
"I don't blame David Stern because a player gets on the court and he doesn't put out competitively. No one can make you play if you don't want to play."
"I don't think that players learn how to play any other aspect of the game in high school or college."
"I think that basketball players should get the job done no matter how it looks on the screen."
"I think that everyone should be able to dribble. Everyone should be able to pass. Otherwise, why are you out there?"
"I think that teaching coaches are the norm now."
"I was taught to play that way when I was in high school and even before I got to high school."
"I'd like to think that the nature of the two teams - Boston being a championship team over the years and the Lakers, same thing - was a lot bigger than Larry Bird or Magic Johnson."
"If you're a basketball player, you've got to shoot."
"It's a sad commentary when I have to say that sometimes in our country we are real sensitive to race."
"It's like all guys want to do is make a dunk, grab their shirt and yell out and scream - they could be down 30 points but that's what they do. Okay, so you made a dunk. Get back down the floor on defense!"
"Now, I guess, people want stars. People are trying to invent stars."
"Some players are more physical than others, some play with more finesse. Some are just really great all-around players. So you have to change your game."
"The Olympics were great, because you had to make the team, and then go to the games. Now, I don't know, these guys today don't want to do anything like that."
"The thing about it is almost everyone could pass that way, but we were kept from doing it by our coaches."
"They should have a rule: in order to be a sportswriter, you have to have played that sport, at some level; high school, college, junior college, somewhere. Or, you should have had to have been around the game for a long time."
"This is where young players today want to land. They want to be NBA players because of the money."
"Basketball is basketball."
"We're all Americans trying to compete. Magic was competing for his team and Larry for his team."
"When you go into a game on offense, you make a couple moves and see what the defender is going to do. Then you pretty much can figure out what he is going to do against you - whether he carries his hands low or high, whether he is bumping or pushing, those type of things."
"When you play against different people from all walks of life you can't do the same thing against every player defensively or offensively. You have to change up the way you go at a player."
"When you play guard, you're not going to block a lot of shots. Inside, you're going to block shots."
"Who do I think was the greatest? This might shock you: Elgin Baylor. He did so many great things. Nobody could guard him, playing in the forward spot. I'd love to see some of today's greats playing against Elgin. They couldn't guard him. Nobody could."
"You don't cut anywhere, don't pick down anywhere, don't double screen, no weak side picking. All these things that should happen in a game of basketball don't happen anymore."
"You look at today, it's a different situation. You have a game that has been transformed into a game where almost every shot is either an outside shot - a three-point shot - or a dunk."
"You need a teaching coach who understands the game of basketball, not just some guy coming on the court talking about Xs and Os."
"You see what happens in college and high school games today - a three-point shot or a dunk. I think that's the reason that you see a lot of that in the pros today."
"You've got to learn the footwork, the positioning, how to box out, how to pass, how to shoot your free throws. All these things are necessary, not to be the No. 1 player in the world, but maybe you can play against him."
Στην συνεχεια ο Αρχοντας των (11) Δακτυλιδιων ο Θρυλος των Σελτικς Μπιλ Ρασσελ.......
“Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.”
“Durability is part of what makes a great athlete.”
“What's more important than who's going to be the first black manager is who's going to be the first black sports editor of the New York Times.”
“The idea is not to block every shot. The idea is to make your opponent believe that you might block every shot.”
“The last five or six days, I've been running. The last two days, I've been running pretty hard. Everybody's got to be someplace.”
“We have done her injustice since the word go."
“If it's proven in a court of law she was wronged, she can sue for millions because this is defamation of character.”
“I think what has happened to our basketball team, we've been badly distracted. They're not reading too many positive things in the paper.”
“The morale and the camaraderie that we had for one another earlier in the year is starting to come under duress because of all the losses. Some of the guys are feeling the pressure now from the last year when they were not successful.”
“I had signed a letter of intent to go to a college near by home in Pittsburg, Kan., on a basketball scholarship, but Monty and scout John Keenan convinced me to sign with the Dodgers. It was the right move, for sure,”
“To say that there was hard competition and therefore excusing him, excuses him from doing his job. If there is difficult competition, it is his job to compete.”
“I think that David Stern is probably the greatest commissioner that any sport has ever had in the history of this country.”
“He's the guy I send the freshman and sophomore out with. He gives them pointers, and helps them work through the course.”
“All of my guys will be working. They'll all be out there over the break.”
“This monument is going to be built as a symbol.”
“Once you reach a level communication where you have an exchange of ideas and some shared experiences, then eventually you get to the point where the color of your skin or your background is no longer what you use to describe a person. Now the coach-player relationship has more depth because it's based on more sincere feelings and respect.”
Air and King
Nov 21 2009, 18:30
Συνεχεια με το Τρελο και παλαβο "το Σκουλικι" Ντενις Ροντμαν............
"A player dreams of being a superstar, but he doesn't want people flocking all over him asking for an autograph."
"As long as I play ball, I can get any woman I want."
"At least 50 times. I've jumped off a building, jumped off a cliff in a car. I've been in bedrooms when women came in with knives and guns."
"Black culture is something I don't relate to much at all."
"Chemistry is a class you take in high school or college, where you figure out two plus two is 10, or something."
"Death has always had a prominent place in my mind. There are times when I think somebody might kill me."
"Everybody's talking trash these days, so why not keep quiet?"
"Fifty percent of life in the N.B.A. is sex. The other fifty percent is money."
"For five years I've felt like the best prostitute in a high-class whorehouse. But all the other girls get paid more than I do."
"For years the league has thought I've been on drugs. I would have burned out a long time ago if that was true."
"I can score 20 points if I want to, but that's not my desire."
"I can't begin to describe the amount of crap I've taken for being a lousy free-throw shooter."
"I couldn't care less if the guy I'm guarding has HIV. I'm going to slam him anyway."
"I didn't want to be known as Madonna's playboy, her boy toy."
"I don't feel anything when I watch Shaquille O'Neal play. I don't feel anything coming off him."
"I don't fit into the mold of the NBA man, and I think I've been punished financially for it."
"I don't trust what this life has given me."
"I felt like calling attention to AIDS. I had the AIDS ribbon colored into my hair during the playoffs in '95."
"I go out there and get my eyes gouged, my nose busted, my body slammed. I love the pain of the game."
"I go out with white women. This makes a lot of people unhappy, mostly black women."
"I learned a lot I wouldn't have learned roaming the streets of Dallas."
"I lost $35,000 in less than a week at the Mirage in Las Vegas."
"I spent money, I slept with women around the league, but I always kept my mind on the game."
"I spent my whole childhood looking for an escape."
"I think marriage and athletes is a bad combination."
"I understand what rappers are talking about. I think rap is less about educating people about the black community and more about making money."
"I want to do for rebounds what Michael Jordan did for dunks."
"I wear women's leggings under my clothes, but no lingerie."
"I'll be the judge of my own manliness."
"I'm hungrier than those other guys out there. Every rebound is a personal challenge."
"I'm not one of those leeching sons of bitches. I want to earn everything I get."
"I'm nothing more than a sports slave."
"I'm starting to see players copy what I do. I'm flattered."
"I'm the basketball version of a gravedigger."
"I'm trying to find new ways to make this game more attractive."
"I've been homeless. I've worked at 7-Eleven."
"I've got to give Larry Bird his due; he was a great player. He knew the game and he was smart."
"If I want to wear a dress, I'll wear a dress."
"If you have a problem with my answer that's your problem, not my problem."
"If you're going to have sex, use a condom."
Air and King
Nov 21 2009, 21:39
O Μεγαλυτερος ισως Σταρ που ειδε ποτε το ΝΒΑ σε συνδιασμο on and off the court,ο "Μεγαλος Αριστοτελης"-"Ο Ντιζελ"-"Ο Σουπερμαν 1",ο Already Θρυλος Σακιλ Ονιλ........
"And I want to do it the right way, like everybody else, not just a famous figurehead that gets a job because he is a famous basketball player. I want to really learn the business."
"Being here feels like I'm out of prison. This is the right place, the right time, the right team."
"But that is the only thing that slows me down is the system. No one, two or three was big enough to slow me down, only the system. It was the system that slowed me down to make my numbers fall. Not because I am older."
"But, hey I did everything the right way and earned my spot in this game, nothing was given to me."
"David Stern should get with the mothers of the NBA and let the moms decide what the dress code should be. I asked my mother if I could wear a chain, and she told me yeah. So I do stuff that my parents allow me to do."
"Everything happens for a reason. I'm used to it, I prepare for it. Like I say, at the end of the day, those in charge of their own destiny are going to do what's rights for them and their family."
"I am the number one Ninja and I have killed all the Shoguns in front of me."
"I average 25 with three guys on me and they are just looking at stats I guess."
"I don't believe that I personally have been changed by the money. The bad thing is people assume you've changed because now you have money.
"I don't get nervous in any situation. There's no such thing as nerves when you're playing games."
"I guess people think the taller you are the more dominant you have to be."
"I had an awful first quarter but I picked it up. To all you single guys out there, it's not how you start the date, it's how you finish it sir. A lot of people can, you know, start the date with flowers and candy, but if you don't finish the date - you know what I mean?"
"I have never been a shooter."
"I play against a front and a back every night, Ming does not have to do that, Duncan does not have to do that, Garnett doesn't do that. I am the only one that has to do that."
"I put a lot into it, and when I am done playing, I plan on going undercover and then being the sheriff or chief of police somewhere, either Miami or Orlando, I don't know yet."
"I started out as a football player. I liked to inflict pain. In basketball, it was the same thing."
"I started out as a young Ninja and killed all of the Shoguns. I am a Shogun now and I'm holding my spot. There probably won't be another Shogun after this."
"I want to be strong, dominant. Like Wilt Chamberlain."
"I would like to be refered to as 'The Big Aristotle'."
"I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok."
"I'm very excited about my new agreement with the Heat. This contract allows me to address all of my family's long-term financial goals while allowing the Heat the ability to acquire those players that we need to win a championship."
"If you got the game, you got the game. That's why Tiger Woods is out there playing golf with Greg Norman."
"Me shooting 40% at the foul line is just God's way to say nobody's perfect."
"One lucky shot deserves another."
"Our offense is like the pythagorean theorem: There is no answer!"
"Someday I might have to put down a basketball and have a regular 9-to-5 like everybody else."
"That is why one day I said my game will be like the Pythagorean Theorem - hard to figure out. A lot of people really don't know the Pythagorean Theory. They don't make them like me anymore. They don't want to make them like that anymore."
"This is a tough game. There are times when you've got to play hurt, when you've got to block out the pain."
"We want to win. We want to win big. We want to win the whole thing."
"We're just going to come out and play. We know that we're supposed to win all the games, but if we don't, we just have to take the next game and focus on what we did wrong in the game before and just try to do better at the next game."
"Why don't you bring your face up here and let me punch it? Then you can tell me (if I'm stronger)."
a bullet for your head
Nov 21 2009, 21:45
Air and King
Nov 22 2009, 23:04
O Μεγαλος Ντιν Σμιθ ενας απο τους μεγαλυτερους Θρυλους στην Ιστορια του κολλεγιακου μπασκετ....Ο Μονος προπονητης(και λιγο ο Μπομπι Ναιτ στην Εθνικη το 1984)που εβαλε σε καλουπι τον Μαικλ Τζορνταν.......
“If you make every game a life and death proposition, you're going to have problems. For one thing, you'll be dead a lot.”
“Ask yourself this question: If aspirin were the leading cause of death on college campuses, do you think chancellors, presidents, and trustees would allow aspirin commercials on basketball and football telecasts? They wouldn't, not for a minute.”
“I do believe in praising that which deserves to be praised.”
“The NCAA and universities should not be in the business of marketing a product that is the leading cause of death among college students. Also, it should be noted that the alcohol advertising does not leave the younger audiences untouched. Ten year olds are rooting for their favorite teams, meanwhile, being subjected to the promotion of alcohol use.”
“The presidents of colleges have to have some courage to step forward. You can't limit alcohol in college sports, you have to get rid of it.”
“The focus should be on the players. I'm here a long time. You can call me in the summer. Our seniors will be gone.”
“We need to understand that children start following athletics at the age of nine or ten. These beer ads are highly appealing to them. When beer companies say their ads aren't directed at young people, I find it hard to believe. Do you think the kids don't like the lizards on the Budweiser spots?”
“If you track the path of Isabel, that's exactly where these trees are dying.”
“We've got uniforms pants, boots, t-shirts, underwear and toilet supplies,”
“We don't want to go on strike. Everybody's unified on it.”
“House prices swamp Fed concerns in the mortgage- and asset-backed market. We see many more opportunities in a volatile market like this than in a placid market.”
“The real issue is not if a crossing is put in, but when. It would be negligent on the part of Union Pacific and the California Public Utilities Commission to not address the problem.”
“This is my last year, I'm going to take that shot. All I was thinking was I needed to get the ball up. If I get it up, I'll make it.”
“We were told to throw it inside to Big Clyde. He couldn't jump that well but he had great touch from 15 feet. And he had good hands. He'd catch even my bad passes.
“Basketball is a team game. But that doesn't mean all five players should have the same amount of shots.”
“I always mean what I say, but I don't always say what I'm thinking.”
a bullet for your head
Nov 23 2009, 00:41
Μια γευση απ τον Ρασιντ..
a bullet for your head
Nov 25 2009, 01:40
Σειρα τωρα για τον εναν,τον μοναδικο,τον ''Μαστερ Ζεν'',τον ''Ευτυχως που ειχα τον Τεξ διπλα μου'',τον Φιλ ''Κοιμαμαι ορθιος'' Τζακσον...
Α,ρε Φιλ...εισαι και χιουμοριστας.....
Air and King
Nov 25 2009, 01:45
Kαποια επιπλεον ενδιαφεροντα quotes απο διαφορους μεγαλους παιχτες......
"A lot of late nights in the gym, a lot of early mornings, especially when your friends are going out, you're going to the gym, those are the sacrifices that you have to make if you want to be an NBA basketball player.” -- Jason Kidd
"All these boundaries - Africa, Asia, Malaysia, America - are set by men. But you don't have to look at boundaries when you are looking at a man - at the character of a man. The question is: What do you stand for? Are you a follower, or are you a leader? -- Hakeem Olajuwon
"And I really believe that. Asthma is NOT a disability!” -- Dominique Wilkins
"As brilliant an individual that Michael Jordan was, he was not successful until he got with a good team unit.” -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"As far as playing, I didn't care who guarded me - red, yellow, black. I just didn't want a white guy guarding me, because it's disrespect to my game.” -- Larry Bird
"Being a typical Pisces, I might have experienced mood shifts, but I don't remember any depression, or needing to do anything, or to have someone bring me out of being depressed.” -- Julius Erving
"Being from Africa is the best thing that could have ever, ever happened to me. I cannot see it any other way. All of my fundamental principles that were instilled in me in my home, from my childhood, are still with me.” -- Hakeem Olajuwon
"Bill Russell was my favorite player of all-time.” -- Bill Walton
"Black people don't have an accurate idea of their history, which has been either suppressed or distorted.” -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"But it is a black man's game, and it will be forever.” -- Larry Bird
"But the point of using the number was to show that sex was a great part of my life as basketball was a great part of my life. That's the reason why I was single.” -- Wilt Chamberlain
"But when I did it (the triple-double), I didn't even know it until someone told me.” -- Oscar Robertson
"But you can not compare Yao's stats to mine. You just can't compare it and I am playing everyone one-on-one.” -- Shaquille O'Neal
"Center is a very tough position to play.” -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"Coaching is easy. Winning is the hard part.” -- Elgin Baylor
"Durability and longevity are very important as it relates to carving your name alongside some of the great point guards to ever play the game.” -- Kevin Johnson
"Every team that I've played on, I've either been the captain or co-captain.” -- Julius Erving
"Everyting negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise.” -- Kobe Bryant
"Growing up, my parents were very, very strict. And then I went to UCLA with John Wooden, who was just off the charts.” -- Bill Walton
"I always know what's happening on the court. I see a situation occur, and I respond.” -- Larry Bird
"I always try to keep a pretty conservative demeanor on the court.” -- Julius Erving
"I am not too accusatorial or defensive by nature. I have always been kind of philosophical about it, remembering that it is just a game. People take these things too seriously.” -- Steve Nash
"I believe that good things come to those who work.” -- Wilt Chamberlain
"I couldn't have come close without my teammates' help because the Knicks didn't want me to make 100.” -- Wilt Chamberlain
"I didn't really seek attention. I just wanted to play the game well and go home.” -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"I don't care what people think. people are stupid.” -- Charles Barkley
"I don't play them a lot of minutes. I have great starters. I have All-Stars, world champions.” -- Bill Laimbeer
"I don't think Michael had to retire for us to get the spotlight, because when you win, it commands attention.” -- Hakeem Olajuwon
"I don't want to just go to the playoffs, I don't want to go to the playoffs and win the first round, second round, and not win the whole thing because it's bittersweet.” -- Allen Iverson
"I don't want to play 10 years and then die of a heart attack when I'm 40.” -- Pete Maravich
"I feel that Dennis Rodman has become a problem. He will be more of a problem than an asset.” Of course, he can prove me wrong.” -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"I guarantee you, if you could give me 10 points in all those seventh games against the Boston Celtics, instead of Bill Russell having 11 rings, I could've at least had nine or eight.” -- Wilt Chamberlain
"I guess people think the taller you are the more dominant you have to be.” -- Shaquille O'Neal
"I had endured six years of frustration so I think winning it all meant more to me than most of the others on the team.” -- Bob Cousy
"I lived my life one way for 35 years, for me. And then the focus came in on what I really was.” -- Pete Maravich
"I mean, the greatest athletes in the world are African-American.” -- Larry Bird
"I might be the most injured athlete in the history of sports. I've had 31 operations. An endless string of stress fractures.” -- Bill Walton
"I play against a front and a back every night, Ming does not have to do that, Duncan does not have to do that, Garnett doesn't do that. I am the only one that has to do that.” -- Shaquille O'Neal
"I played in Joe Louis in a playoff game. I played there when the roof caved in for half a season. The facility is great for basketball because it goes straight up, so you feel like the fans are on top of you.” -- Bill Laimbeer
"I think that my God-given physical attributes, big hands, and big feet, the way that I'm built, proportion-wise, just made basketball the most inviting sport for me to play.” -- Julius Erving
"I want to be strong, dominant. Like Wilt Chamberlain.” -- Shaquille O'Neal
"If I have a choice whether to do the show or throw a straight pass, and we're going to get the basket either way, I'm going to do the show.” -- Pete Maravich
"If somebody says no to you, or if you get cut, Michael Jordan was cut his first year, but he came back and he was the best ever. That is what you have to have. The attitude that I'm going to show everybody, I'm going to work hard to get better and better.” -- Magic Johnson
"I'll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it's sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.” -- Kobe Bryant
"I'm a high-risk taker on the court in the sense of trying to squeeze things in there.” -- Jason Kidd
"I'm playing against great players, playing against the best in the world. The competition - that's what I've always wanted.” -- Kobe Bryant
"In 1981, at age 31, I was voted the best player in basketball, and the most valuable player in the league.” -- Julius Erving
"It was a challenge to my teammates to help me.” -- Wilt Chamberlain
"It's hard when your father's the coach. Sometimes you don't know where one leaves off and the other begins.” -- Pete Maravich
"Me shooting 40% at the foul line is just God's way to say nobody's perfect.” -- Shaquille O'Neal
"My life had no meaning at all. I found only brief interludes of satisfaction. It was like my whole life had been about my whole basketball career.” -- Pete Maravich
"Sometimes I do wonder what college would have been like. But I made my decision.” -- Kobe Bryant
"To all the positions, I just bring the determination to win. Me being an unselfish player, I think that can carry on to my teammates. When you have one of the best players on the court being unselfish, I think that transfers to the other players.” -- LeBron James
"We're all fascinated by the numbers, as we were about the 100 points.” -- Wilt Chamberlain
a bullet for your head
Nov 28 2009, 20:52
Μια γευση απ τον μεγαλο Πατ Ραιλι...
-A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning
-Being a part of success is more important than being personally indispensable
-Discipline is not a nasty word
-Each Warrior wants to leave the mark of his will, his signature, on important acts he touches. This is not the voice of ego but of the human spirit, rising up and declaring that it has something to contribute to the solution of the hardest problems, no matter how vexing
-Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.
-Giving yourself permission to lose guarantees a loss
-If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.
-There's always the motivation of wanting to win. Everybody has that. But a champion needs, in his attitude, a motivation above and beyond winning.
-Don't let other people tell you what you want.
a bullet for your head
Dec 6 2009, 17:34
a bullet for your head
Jan 13 2010, 01:17
Mια μικρη γευση απο συνεντευξη του Τζον Σταρκς..
Ποσο μου λειπουν αυτου του ειδους οι παικτες που δημιουργουσαν hostile ''καταστασεις''...
Jan 13 2010, 01:57
QUOTE(a bullet for your head @ Jan 13 2010, 01:17 )

Ποσο μου λειπουν αυτου του ειδους οι παικτες που δημιουργουσαν hostile ''καταστασεις''...
Oσο αχωνευτος και αν ηταν ειχε μεγαλη καρδια ο Σταρκς.Και εκανε καριερα μεγαλυτερη μαλλον απο αυτην που προμηνυε το ταλεντο του.
Γενικοτερα μου εχουν μεινει αξεχαστες οι κοντρες των Μπουλς με τους Νικς του Ραιλι στα early 90s.Δυο πολυ μεγαλες ομαδες με τεραστιες προσωπικοτητες στο παρκε και τους παγκους μεχρι τελικης πτωσης...
a bullet for your head
Jan 14 2010, 02:42
a bullet for your head
Jan 23 2010, 16:11
Μια χαρα μου φαινεται να μιμειται ο Ντουαιτ τον Σερ-Τσαρλς...
Air and King
Jan 23 2010, 16:35
O Mεγαλυτερος Σουπερ Σταρ on and off the court στην Ιστορια του ΝΒΑ...........Σακιλ Ονιλ......
Σακ καλη η παρεα σου αλλα βρωμαν τα ποδια σου.........