QUOTE(jvalin @ May 21 2014, 23:50 )
Το buy out δεν έχει να κάνει με το trade. Κατά πως φαίνεται, τα συμβόλαια βγαίνουν.
http://espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=ooj588aΕμένα μου φαίνεται solid trade για τους Bulls γιατί εκτός του ότι παίρνετε Love, ταυτοχρόνως ξεφορτώνεστε επιτέλους και τον Boozer. Όπως και να χει, πιστεύω ότι οι Wolves μπορούν να βρουν πολύ καλύτερη προσφορά.
Ναι το trade machine παίρνει τους μισθούς της περσινής σεζόν . Οκ ο Boozer για την σεζόν 14-15 έχει λαμβάνειν 16,8 μυρια και ο Love 15,7. 1 σεζόν ο ένας και μια ο άλλος καθώς δεν ειναι και σίγουρο αυτή τη στιγμή που μιλάμε ο Love έχει player option για τη σεζόν 2015-16. Δεν λέω ότι δεν μπορείς να τον πείσεις να υπογράψει επέκταση, απλά αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι δεδομένο.
Για τον Butler το συμβόλαιο του για τη σεζόν 14-15 είναι στα 2 και κάτι ψιλά ενώ την επόμενη σεζόν το qualifying offer θα ξεκινάει στα 3.
Όσο για το συμβόλαιο του Μιροτιτς :
Mirotic’s Buyout Complicates the Bulls’ Task
The Bulls face a number of issues bringing over Mirotic starting with his massive 2.5 million Euro buyout, which translates to $3.475 million at current exchange rates.
Buyouts from European teams are an extremely tricky business in the NBA. The Collective Bargaining Agreement prevents teams from spending more than what is known as the Excluded International Player Payment to buyout international players without it counting against the salary cap. This amount is $600,000 in 2014-15 (it has and will go up $25,000 each year of the CBA). Beyond that, any buyout amount is paid by the player. It was this buyout that prevented the Bulls from having a realistic chance to bring him over before this summer. Mirotic was the 23rd pick in the 2011 draft, and therefore was prescribed such a low salary that there is no way it would have made financial sense for him to come to the Bulls before this summer.
This summer, two things will have changed. Most importantly, the Bulls are no longer bound by the rookie wage scale, which previously would have limited Mirotic to a starting salary of a little over $1 million per year and locked him in to team control for up to four years. After three years have passed, a team has the option of signing a draftee to whatever contract it has room for via either cap room or exceptions to the cap. Such a contract must be for at least three years, exclusive of any option years.
The second new development is that the Bulls will have access to either the $5.305 million mid-level exception or cap room, which will allow them to pay Mirotic enough to entice him to come over. Here though, is where it gets even more difficult. Mirotic will have to pay the $2,875,000 remaining on his buyout after the Bulls pay the maximum $600,000 Excluded International Player Payment. Normally, this amount would count as a signing bonus.
However, paying the buyout as a signing bonus has important consequences for the size of Mirotic’s overall contract because of another rule that limits signing bonuses to 15 percent of the overall contract value. If the buyout were paid entirely as a signing bonus, that means the minimum overall value of Mirotic’s contract would be $19.2 million. On a three-year deal, this would require a first-year cap number of approximately $6.1 million, about $800,000 above the mid-level exception amount. The amount of the buyout/bonus allocable to the first (and each successive) salary cap year would be $958,333, or one third of the bonus.* If the Bulls do not amnesty Carlos Boozer to open up cap space greater than the MLE, or would simply like to pay Mirotic less, this would cause problems because they would not be able to give Mirotic a contract starting at less than $6.1 million if the entire buyout were paid as a bonus.
This leaves two potential solutions. The first would be offering Mirotic a four-year contract. This would allow a cap number of about $4.5 million in the first year. However, Mirotic would be unlikely to take such an offer; a big part of the incentive for him to come to the NBA is to get past his first contract as soon as possible. If he is as good as it appears he will be, his second contract could be into eight figures per year
The second potential solution would allow the Bulls to fit Mirotic within the mid-level exception while still providing him enough cash at signing to pay his buyout. If Mirotic were to sign for the full MLE amount, his signing bonus would be limited to about $2.47 million.* This would result in a shortfall of about $397,000 to pay his buyout. However, he and the Bulls could take advantage of a provision in the CBA that allows the advance payment of salaries for a given season starting on July 1. Up to 25 percent of a player’s base compensation (i.e., not including bonuses) may be paid before October 1, and another 25 percent may be paid before regular checks start on November 15. The first 25 percent could easily cover this, as that amount would be a little over $1.1 million. Therefore, Mirotic could be given almost $3.6 million immediately upon approval of the contract, more than enough to pay the buyout.
basketballinsiders.comΣε κάθε περίπτωση ακόμα κι αν βγουν τα νούμερα, δεν θεωρώ πως είναι καλό τρέηντ, έστω κι αν ξεφορτώνεσαι τον Βουζα.Το ρόστερ των Bulls είναι έτσι κι αλλιώς περιορισμένο σε λύσεις για να δώσεις 2 φετινά πικ πρώτου γύρου (έστω και μετά το 15) και το ποτένσιαλ των Butler και Mirotic.
Εδώ ψάχνουμε πως θα αυξήσουμε το ρόστερ για να μην εμφανιζόμαστε σκασμένοι στα οφφς και θα δώσουμε 4 για 1;; Ακόμα κι αν πρόκειται για τον Love. Θα έχουμε 3 παίκτες να δεσμεύουν σύνολικα 47 μύρια από το cap (Noah, Rose,Love), οι 2 με σοβαρά προβλήματα τραυματισμών στο παρελθόν, τον Ταζ να πιάνει άλλα 8 και τους Dunleavy και Snell άλλα 4. Σύνολο 6 παίκτες για 59 μύρια και θα θέλουμε τουλάχιστον άλλους 6..