A Kyle Montgomery Shrine

Η ιδέα δεν υπήρχε, η έλλειψη για Kyle είναι έκδηλη εδώ και ένα χρόνο περίπου απουσίας, η σύγκριση με τους λοιπούς-εκτός Αχμάντ-commentators του nba.com... άνιση. Αφορμή ήταν ένα post του blog Where Amazing Happens, ο δημιουργός του οποίου δεν ξέρω αν είναι ήδη εγγεγραμμένο μέλος στο Φόρουμ, αλλά κι αν δεν είναι χέστηκα τον προσκαλώ!
Ω Κάγιλ, we miss u so much, τα ελληνάκια nba freaks ΔΕΝ ΞΕΧΝΟΥΝ, ορίστε και τα coach από χρήστες Μοντγκομερίνης:
Tobias Funke/Dr.Horrorscope/MulasOmarLittle/TheManWhoFearsHimself
Some random Attacks:
(Μεταφέρω πρώτα από το Where Amazing Happens όπως πρωτοδημοσιεύτηκαν και συνεχίζω με διάφορα άλλα)
Block you very much
First word Ibaka said as a baby? Guess what? “Defence”
That’s crazy,it makes you talk like Scooby Doo,Ahoeahoeahoe!
Paul Pierce..He is the Truth.I ain’t lying.
Serge Ibaka with the blocka..Boom-shaka-laka.
This kid,has got range…like a wi-fi.
Denied,like my cousin at prom night.
He was beyond hot.Just ask the people sitting courtside with a tan!
Fly Like a G6.. (Μετά από κάρφωμα του Gerald Wallace).
DeMar Derozan,Derising in the sky…
Steve Nash…Nas(h)ty with the pass…
Trevor Ariza,arising for the dunk…
Did i mention Ray Allen was cooking…?
Dirk Nowitzki,riDIRKculous.
number 8, is always great
nicolas batum goes kaboom
so nice, we got to see it twice
goes out of his way to reject you, like the finest girl in school. Just mean for no reason
Dwayne Wade didn't get the memo, so he gets a taste too. Nobody come's into my house on Wednsesday, try again Thursday (and I might say that again) (διπλή τάπα του McGee, η πρώτη πήγε στον Bosh)
Kevin Love hates this: Omer Asik with the denial…
the thunder from downunder
he beats the buzzer from Nigeria/Sudan
this is beyond a facial, this is more of a recostructive surgery on rookie...
that's almost as nasty as brussels sprouts, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, and a bitter beer face as well!
everbody get denied, that means you too Ronny Turiaf
Αlonzo Gee is going to hate this, because we continue to show this...(πάνω στο 2ο replay)
Serge Iblaka/ Serge Ibaka with the Blocka/ Serge Ibaka, the shot Blocka
Timmy (με προφορά Timmy από South Park εννοείται)
Εarl watson goes behind the back for Andrei Kirilenko who goes behind the back, so that's back to back behind the back
The Big German, aufidersen, I don't know what it means

Ω Κάγιλ, we miss u so much, τα ελληνάκια nba freaks ΔΕΝ ΞΕΧΝΟΥΝ, ορίστε και τα coach από χρήστες Μοντγκομερίνης:
Tobias Funke/Dr.Horrorscope/MulasOmarLittle/TheManWhoFearsHimself
Some random Attacks:
(Μεταφέρω πρώτα από το Where Amazing Happens όπως πρωτοδημοσιεύτηκαν και συνεχίζω με διάφορα άλλα)
Block you very much
First word Ibaka said as a baby? Guess what? “Defence”

That’s crazy,it makes you talk like Scooby Doo,Ahoeahoeahoe!
Paul Pierce..He is the Truth.I ain’t lying.
Serge Ibaka with the blocka..Boom-shaka-laka.
This kid,has got range…like a wi-fi.
Denied,like my cousin at prom night.
He was beyond hot.Just ask the people sitting courtside with a tan!
Fly Like a G6.. (Μετά από κάρφωμα του Gerald Wallace).
DeMar Derozan,Derising in the sky…
Steve Nash…Nas(h)ty with the pass…
Trevor Ariza,arising for the dunk…
Did i mention Ray Allen was cooking…?
Dirk Nowitzki,riDIRKculous.
number 8, is always great
nicolas batum goes kaboom
so nice, we got to see it twice
goes out of his way to reject you, like the finest girl in school. Just mean for no reason
Dwayne Wade didn't get the memo, so he gets a taste too. Nobody come's into my house on Wednsesday, try again Thursday (and I might say that again) (διπλή τάπα του McGee, η πρώτη πήγε στον Bosh)
Kevin Love hates this: Omer Asik with the denial…
the thunder from downunder
he beats the buzzer from Nigeria/Sudan
this is beyond a facial, this is more of a recostructive surgery on rookie...
that's almost as nasty as brussels sprouts, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, and a bitter beer face as well!

everbody get denied, that means you too Ronny Turiaf
Αlonzo Gee is going to hate this, because we continue to show this...(πάνω στο 2ο replay)
Serge Iblaka/ Serge Ibaka with the Blocka/ Serge Ibaka, the shot Blocka
Timmy (με προφορά Timmy από South Park εννοείται)
Εarl watson goes behind the back for Andrei Kirilenko who goes behind the back, so that's back to back behind the back
The Big German, aufidersen, I don't know what it means