[quote name='assistant' date='Mar 19 2016, 00:29 ' post='760913']
σε αυτό το σεναριο-σε τριπλη ισοβαθμια Ολυμπιακου-Μπαρτσα-Ρεαλ-η Μπαρτσα θα εχει 3ικες και θα είναι 3η,ο Ολυμπιακος 2 νικες και θα είναι 4ος και η Ρεαλ 1 νικη και θα είναι 5η.......εχουν αλλαξει τα κριτηρια;;;;;δε μετρανε τα μεταξυ των ομαδων αποτελεσματα;;;;;;πρωτο κριτηριο σε τριπλη ισοβαθμια είναι η συνολικη διαφορα ποντων;;;;;......
Ωραία ερώτηση. Σύμφωνα με τους κανονισμούς της περασμένης σαιζόν γιατί τους φετινούς δεν τους έχω δει. Στην Παράγραφο 21.4.2.
http://www.euroleague.net/rs/60374/84bd1f8...a2/c24/filenameII) WHEN MORE THAN TWO TEAMS ARE TIED
a) The ranking will be established taking into account the
victories obtained in the games played only among them.
Should the tie persist among some, but not all, of the
teams, the ranking of the teams still tied will be determined
by again taking into account the victories in the games
played only among them, and repeating this same
procedure until the tie is entirely resolved.

If a tie persists, the ranking will be determined by the goal
difference in favour and against in the games played only
among the teams still tied.
c) Should the tie fail to be resolved through the previous
procedures, the tie will be broken by taking into account all
the games played in the current phase of the competition
firstly by using the goal difference, secondly by the
greatest number of points scored and lastly, if necessary,
by the goal average.
d) If, in the course of applying any of the criteria provided in
the three previous paragraphs, the tie were to be resolved
partially but still with more than two teams remaining tied,
the entire procedure will be applied again beginning with
paragraph a), applying the greatest number of victories in
the games played only among the teams still tied.
e) If, in the course of applying any of the criteria provided in
paragraphs a),

or c), the tie were to be resolved partially
so that only two teams remain tied, the entire procedure
will be applied again beginning with Section I, paragraph
a), applying the greatest number of victories in only the
games played between the two remaining tied teams.
Εγώ καταλαβαίνω πως στην τριπλή ισσοβαθμία η Μπαρτσα μας έχει τόσο εμάς (1-1) και διαφορά πόντων και την Ρεαλ (2-0) άρα υπάρχει ισσοβαθμία Ολυμπιακού Ρεαλ και μετράει η διαφορά πόντων.