Τι ισχυει για τους παικτες στο champions league
Players’ Eligibility
These Competition Regulations do not impose specific rules on players’ eligibility. Each Club
shall be bound by the player eligibility rules applicable in its own NL and/or NF during the 2016-
17 season.
The Club and its NL and NF are jointly responsible for the eligibility of Club’s players at all ti
mes and will bear the consequences of any infractions of the BCL Regulations or of the FIBA
Internal Regulations governing Eligibility, the National Status, the International Transfer and
the Age of Players.
For the purposes of eligibility, the national status of a Player shall remain unchanged
throughout the entire BCL season, irrespective if the Player acquired a new legal nationality.
Players’ Licenses
The issuance of “B” Licenses (as per the FIBA Internal Regulations) for Players is subject to
the following conditions:
a) the signature of the official BCL entry form; and
the payment of the player’s license fee, as set forth in Article 29.1.
If a Club does not qualify for the next competition phase of the BCL, an “A“ Licence for Foreign
Players may be requested upon return of the “B“ License for Players. This procedure is valid
only as long as the Player continues to play with the Club.
Players’ Lists
8.1 An initial List of Players, accompanied by all necessary documents for the issuance of “B“
Licenses for all Players must be submitted by the Clubs to the Organiser by no later than 31
August 2016.
The List of Players is considered as being “Final”:
a) for the Clubs participating in the Qualification Round, on 21 September 2016;
for the Clubs participating in the Regular Season, on 14 October 2016.
The Final List of Players shall contain a minimum of twelve (12) Players and a maximum of
sixteen (16) Players.
Any late document will be considered as a replacement or addition to the Final List of Players
in accordance with Article 9.
Changes of Players
Any changes must be made by the Club through its NF.
For the Clubs participating in the Qualification Round, no change will be allowed during the
Qualification Round.
9.2.1 Clubs qualified for the Regular Season through the Qualification Round may make an unlimited
number of changes between the end of the Qualification Round and 14 October 2016.
For the Clubs participating in the Regular Season, up to four (4) Players of any given nationality
can be changed on the Final List of Players from 15 October 2016 until 24 February 2017.
Any change (i.e. replacement or addition) on the Final List of Players will be subject to an
administrative fee per Player in accordance with Article 29.2.
Any of the four (4) additions/replacements to the Final List of Players must be finalised, i.e. al
l necessary documentation must have been received by the Organiser, at the latest forty-eight
(48) hours before the first game of the additional/replaced Player.
Players who have played for a club in a European Club Competition during the 2016-17 season
will be allowed to register with a new Club during the same season only between the
Qualification Round and the Regular Season and between the Regular Season and the Play-Offs,
as detailed in the table below. This provision can be applied only once per Player per
RS Clubs
Until 31.08 - Initial List
31.08 to 14.10- Unlimited changes
15.10 to 26.01- Up to 4 Changes**
As of 27.02 - No Changes
* From 08.10 to 14.10.2016 and from 27.01 to 24.02.2017: transfer window for Players who played in a Europea
n Club Competition during the same season.
**At the latest 48 hours before the first game of the additional/replacement Player
Players’ Eligibility
These Competition Regulations do not impose specific rules on players’ eligibility. Each Club
shall be bound by the player eligibility rules applicable in its own NL and/or NF during the 2016-
17 season.
The Club and its NL and NF are jointly responsible for the eligibility of Club’s players at all ti
mes and will bear the consequences of any infractions of the BCL Regulations or of the FIBA
Internal Regulations governing Eligibility, the National Status, the International Transfer and
the Age of Players.
For the purposes of eligibility, the national status of a Player shall remain unchanged
throughout the entire BCL season, irrespective if the Player acquired a new legal nationality.
Players’ Licenses
The issuance of “B” Licenses (as per the FIBA Internal Regulations) for Players is subject to
the following conditions:
a) the signature of the official BCL entry form; and

If a Club does not qualify for the next competition phase of the BCL, an “A“ Licence for Foreign
Players may be requested upon return of the “B“ License for Players. This procedure is valid
only as long as the Player continues to play with the Club.
Players’ Lists
8.1 An initial List of Players, accompanied by all necessary documents for the issuance of “B“
Licenses for all Players must be submitted by the Clubs to the Organiser by no later than 31
August 2016.
The List of Players is considered as being “Final”:
a) for the Clubs participating in the Qualification Round, on 21 September 2016;

The Final List of Players shall contain a minimum of twelve (12) Players and a maximum of
sixteen (16) Players.
Any late document will be considered as a replacement or addition to the Final List of Players
in accordance with Article 9.
Changes of Players
Any changes must be made by the Club through its NF.
For the Clubs participating in the Qualification Round, no change will be allowed during the
Qualification Round.
9.2.1 Clubs qualified for the Regular Season through the Qualification Round may make an unlimited
number of changes between the end of the Qualification Round and 14 October 2016.
For the Clubs participating in the Regular Season, up to four (4) Players of any given nationality
can be changed on the Final List of Players from 15 October 2016 until 24 February 2017.
Any change (i.e. replacement or addition) on the Final List of Players will be subject to an
administrative fee per Player in accordance with Article 29.2.
Any of the four (4) additions/replacements to the Final List of Players must be finalised, i.e. al
l necessary documentation must have been received by the Organiser, at the latest forty-eight
(48) hours before the first game of the additional/replaced Player.
Players who have played for a club in a European Club Competition during the 2016-17 season
will be allowed to register with a new Club during the same season only between the
Qualification Round and the Regular Season and between the Regular Season and the Play-Offs,
as detailed in the table below. This provision can be applied only once per Player per
RS Clubs
Until 31.08 - Initial List
31.08 to 14.10- Unlimited changes
15.10 to 26.01- Up to 4 Changes**
As of 27.02 - No Changes
* From 08.10 to 14.10.2016 and from 27.01 to 24.02.2017: transfer window for Players who played in a Europea
n Club Competition during the same season.
**At the latest 48 hours before the first game of the additional/replacement Player
κοινώς δηλώνονται μέχρι 16(και τουλαχιστον 12) παικτες που εχουν θεωρημενα δελτια απο την ΕΟΚ και εγκεκριμενα συμβολαια στον ΕΣΑΚΕ .
Δικαιωμα για 4 αλλαγες μεχρι τελη Γεναρη/ παίκτη που επαιξε σε αλλη ομαδα ευρωπη μεχρι Φλεβαρη .