Για συνέργεια σε πειρατεία θα διωχθεί το δημοφιλές Pirate Bay.
http://www.in.gr/news/article.asp?lngEntit...10&lngDtrID=252 Την επόμενη εβδομάδα η Σουηδία θα απαγγείλει κατηγορίες για συνέργεια σε πειρατεία κατά των ανθρώπων που διευθύνουν το PirateBay.org, έναν δημοφιλή δικτυακό τόπο ανταλλαγής αρχείων.
Τα περισσότερα από τα αρχεία που διακινούνται μέσω του Pirate Bay είναι πειρατικές ταινίες, προγράμματα και τραγούδια. Τα αρχεία είναι παράνομα, ωστόσο το Pirate Bay δεν διατηρεί το υλικό στους διακομιστές του και υποστηρίζει ότι δεν ευθύνεται για τυχόν παραβατική συμπεριφορά των χρηστών.
Ο δικτυακός τόπος βασίζεται στο πρωτόκολλο BitTorrent για τη μεταφορά αρχείων και επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να αναζητούν αρχεία που βρίσκονται στους υπολογιστές άλλων χρηστών.
Η υπόθεση του PirateBay συχνά εμφανίζεται στα πρωτοσέλιδα της δικτυωμένης Σουηδίας, όπου θεωρείται μάλιστα ευαίσθητο θέμα. Ωστόσο ο δικτυακός τόπος είναι τόσο δημοφιλής -υποστηρίζει ότι δέχεται 2,5 εκατ. επισκέπτες την ημέρα- ώστε η Στοκχόλμη δέχεται πιέσεις για το κλείσιμό του από τις ΗΠΑ και άλλες χώρες.
Έντονες πιέσεις ασκούν επίσης η Διεθνής Ομοσπονδία Φωνογραφικής Βιομηχανίας (RIAA) και η Ένωση Κινηματογράφου Αμερικής (MPAA).
Ωραια ως εδω.
Αλλα αυτοι στο PirateBay.org δεν παιζονται! Μιλαμε ειναι απιστευτοι.
Τους στελνουν συνεχως οι εταιριες απειλητικα μηνυματα, απειλουν με μηνυσεις, να σταματησουν αυτο που κανουν και να δωσουν εξηγησεις κλπ. Και αυτοι απαντανε με απιστευτο τροπο!!
Εδω ειναι ολα αυτα:
http://thepiratebay.org/legalΠχ απαντηση στην ΕΑ:> It has been brought to the attention of Electronic Arts Inc. ("EA") that
> the website
http://www.piratebay.org with the IP addresses of
>,, is conducting
> unauthorized activities with respect to EA's copyrighted software, The
> Sims 2. The aforementioned website is offering and distributing
> bittorrent seeds for an unauthorized downloadable version of this EA
> game.
Hello and thank you for contacting us. We have shut down the website in
Oh wait, just kidding. We haven't, since the site in question is fully
legal. Unlike certain other countries, such as the one you're in, we have
sane copyright laws here. But we also have polar bears roaming the
streets and attacking people :-(.
> This unauthorized activity with respect to the distribution of EA's
> software products constitutes infringement of EA's intellectual property
> rights. EA enforces its intellectual property rights very aggressively
> by using every legal option available.
Please don't sue us right now, our lawyer is passed out in an alley from
too much moonshine, so please atleast wait until he's found and doesn't
have a huge hangover...
> As you are listed as the registrant for this website, EA demands that
> you immediately and permanently disable access to the aforementioned
> bittorrent seeds for The Sims 2 and any in the future.
You're free to demand anything you want. So are we. We demand that you
cease and desist sending letters like this, since they're frivolous and
meaningless. Where should I send the bill for the consumed diskspace and
Απαντηση στην SEGA:Dear Prokaryote(s),
Please sue me in Japan instead. I've always wanted to visit Tokyo.
Also, I'm running out of toilet paper, so please send lots of legal documents
to our ISP - preferably printed on soft paper.
No, but seriously. That's simply not how international law enforcement
works. Using the same logic, a country where web sites are forbidden could
press charges against you for having one.
IMMEDIATELY STOP SCREAMING. You may also consider not using red,
underlined HTML.
http://thepiratebay.org/search.php?q=billy+corgan> (see below)
Sorry, but I can't remove search.php - our users would get upset if TPB
suddenly lacked a search function.
The problem here seems to be that the material is unreleased? If that is
the case, you can easily fix the problem by releasing it. We'll be more
than glad to help you distribute it - free of charge! - to our users.
Στην γνωστη Apple:Subject: Re: Illegal Dissemination of Apple Intellectual Property
To: IRamage@OMM.com
> Dear Mr. Neij:
> We represent Apple Computer, Inc. On or before April 21, 2005, the
> site www.piratebay.org was in the process of distributing and/or
> facilitating the distribution of a misappropriated copy of an
> unreleased version of Apple's operating system software, Tiger 10.4,
> Build 8A428. The software constitutes an Apple trade secret and is
> copyrighted.
Awh, come on, I've heard the expression "a few bad apples", but this is
just ridiculous.
> Apple has a well-known, longstanding policy of closely guarding
> information about its unreleased products as trade secrets.
I've heard that before somewhere. I just can't remember where...
> We demand that you immediately disable the torrent and/or tracker and
> prevent further distribution of Apple's trade secret and copyrighted
> material.
We demand that you provide us with entertainment by sending more legal
threats. Please?
> Apple further demands that you provide us with all information
> relating to the posting of torrents enabling the distribution of Mac
> OS X Tiger, Build 8A428, including all log files and tracker files
> associated with such torrents. Apple also demands all information
> related to the identity of the persons who created such torrent files
> and/or who uploaded the software referenced by those torrent files, as
> well as the identities of all individuals who participated in the
> uploading and downloading of Apple's software. If you fail to
> maintain the evidence of this illegal activity, you will be subject to
> severe sanctions. In particular, if you destroy or hide any evidence,
> you will be subject to civil and criminal penalties. Please produce
> all requested information by the end of the day, Friday, April 22,
> 2005.
Even if we had that information, which we don't, do you really think we
would provide it to you?
> Builds of unreleased Apple software are distributed under strict
> confidentiality agreements. Your torrent site appears to be engaged
> in a practice of soliciting and disseminating Apple trade secrets.
> This practice is grounds for both civil and criminal liability. To
> avoid further liability, you must refrain from inducing the breach of
> any Apple confidentiality agreements, soliciting Apple trade secrets,
> and distributing Apple trade secrets on your site.
...Or what? You and Hans Brix will send us angry letters? Fortunately
for you, we don't keep sharks as pets.
> Apple is prepared to take further actions to stop the sites illegal
> activities, and Apple expressly reserves its rights. I am available
> to discuss this matter at any time. If you are represented by counsel
> in this matter, please provide me with the identity of that counsel.
Instead of simply recommending that you sodomize yourself with a
retractable baton, let me recommend a specific model - the ASP 21". The
previous lawyers tried to use a cheaper brand, but it broke during the
Απαντηση στην Dreamworks:As you may or may not be aware, Sweden is not a state in the United States
of America. Sweden is a country in northern Europe.
Unless you figured it out by now, US law does not apply here.
For your information, no Swedish law is being violated.
Please be assured that any further contact with us, regardless of medium,
will result in
a) a suit being filed for harassment
a formal complaint lodged with the bar of your legal counsel, for
sending frivolous legal threats.
It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are ....... morons, and
that you should please go sodomize yourself with retractable batons.
Please also note that your e-mail and letter will be published in full on
Go fuck yourself.
Polite as usual,
Και πολλα αλλα....
Και ολα αυτα ειναι οι επισημες απαντησεις σε κατηγοριες των εταιριων προς αυτους.
Δεν καταλαβαινουν τιποτα! Μακαρι να μην κλεισουν.....